Dr. Emoto: He Showed Us the Power of Intention

Dr. EmotoDr. Masaru Emoto has passed away. Dr. Emoto gave us visual evidence of the power of our thoughts through his photography of water crystals published in the now classic Hidden Messages in Water.

According to OM Times, Dr. Emoto’s final word was “Arigato”–Japanese for “Thank you,” fitting for a man who promoted Gratitude as the best attitude for living life.

He used to say, “Life is LOVE which is a gift from God and parents, and DEATH is gratitude for going to a new dimension.” So now he is in another dimension and continues to look over us warmly with love and gratitude. 

Read the full article here: OM Times on Masaru Emoto

For me personally, Hidden Messages in Water was a life changing book. The photographs of water crystals transformed by pure thought and intention was a graphic demonstration of the healing work I do every day. The insights gave me courage to continue exploring the healing arts, despite the skepticism that surrounds energy healing. When you can see how water crystals are transformed by pure thought and knowing our bodies are mostly water, the power of healing intention becomes very real.

Thank you, Dr. Emoto for your gift to the world.

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