Healing Devices Offer New Hope

Inner Earth Blue Crystal Pool Meditation

Healing Energy for Surgery Recovery Meditation

Spirit moved me on a recent rainy Sunday afternoon to record a healing energy meditation for promoting healing after surgery. Archangel Raphael is known as an angel of healing. He popped into my mind as the session progressed and took part in the meditation.

The human body is such a marvelous creation. The regeneration of tissues in the healing process can be enhanced by frequencies of light and sound. This meditation encourages the listener to tap into the energy streams swirling in the cosmos to aid in recovery.

Get well soon!

Bright Blessings– Dana

The Power of Tapping Into Group Consciousness

by Dana Taylor

Update! The Higher Global Consciousness for World Peace Meditation with Mary Magdalene is now available ad-free on the Healing Meditations page on the main menu.

The power of mass consciousness is explained and explored in many venues. Christians look toward Jesus’ words in Matthew 18:20 as inspiration for group prayer, For where two or more gather in my name, there I am with them. Then there is the 100th Monkey Effect, a controversial theory based on observation of Japanese monkeys during the mid-twentieth century, where a young monkey began cleaning the dirt off the sweet potato staple of the primate’s diet. Other monkeys learned the behavior. After a while monkeys on other islands began washing their potatoes. Author Lyall Watson made the conjecture that there was a tipping point of mass consciousness in his book Lifetide: The Biology of the Unconscious—the 100th monkey effect was born.
The EOC Institute promotes mass meditation for world peace. Their website cites experiment statistics conducted in war-torn areas where mass meditations for world peace appears to have a tangible effect–

An experiment in the 1980’s, during the height of the Lebanon war, sought to discover whether meditation could reduce war. When 1,000 people in Jerusalem meditated on world peace, war deaths in Lebanon went down by over 75 percent. Not only did war deaths go down, but crime, traffic collisions, fires, and other destructive events also went down on the days the group meditated.

Personally, I’ve see the power of group prayer through my spirit teams. We love to share those “praise reports.” Our favorite prayer project is baby XiXi, born prematurely, barely more than a pound. Plugged in, monitored, fragile, her chances at life weren’t good. Our team relentlessly prayed for her for months. She’s defied predictions of developmental problems. Now past a year, her walking and talking is downright precocious.
Given the world’s precarious state, a leap of higher consciousness for peace, love and hope seems more crucial than ever. I asked Spirit for inspiration for a new meditation. Mary Magdalene stepped forward in my mind’s eye. One quiet morning I was able to go into an undisturbed meditative state to record the Higher Consciousness Meditation for World Peace. I saw a great heavenly chamber filled with countless people joining together spiritually to raise the consciousness of the globe. You are welcome to join the throng and add your spiritual power toward a better world.
Bright blessings–Dana

Healing Feelings of Abandonment Meditation with Mary Magdalene

As a Reiki practitioner and empath, I often pick up emotions of my clients in a healing session. Most of us carry issues of abandonment from either the current life expression or past lives. We can feel deserted by parents, lovers, children, teachers-the list goes on and on. Deep seated feelings of abandonment can color our whole lives, making future relationships difficult as we project the fear of being discarded again.

Pondering this common hindrance to a full and happy life, I asked for guidance in creating a meditation to help people heal their abandonment wounds. My early healing prayer training included the concept of bringing Christ into a process called “Healing of the Memories.” For this meditation Mary Magdalene came to mind as a feminine expression of divinity to complete the energetic power with Jesus the Christ. Enter the sacred space of healing with the Highest of the High and learn you are never alone.

Crystal Healing Chamber Meditation

Be transported to a multidimensional healing chamber in this latest audio transmission. Rest on a crystalline healing bed and receive frequencies from four fifth-dimension Master Healers. Very often when I’m working on healing energy clients, they will tell me they feel invisible hands on them during the session. As the images for this meditation began to appear in my mind’s eye, my multidimensional colleagues stepped into the picture and created a healing treatment. I invite you to indulge yourself to an otherworldly healing energy session.

Bright Blessings–Dana