Angels Riff on Conspiracy Theories

“What is truth?” The perennial search for truth seems to be magnified in this communication age. My Facebook feed is filled with a dizzying variety of flavors of truth. It’s not simply chocolate or vanilla anymore, but a real Baskin and Robbins 31 flavors of “truth” served in single, double, and triple scoops. On Facebook I’ve collected as friends an array of conservatives, liberals, progressives, lightworkers, and non-conformists. Their posts give me an overview of opinions and emotions driving our society. I’m sure my posts also reveal my personal biases.
I have many friends in the energy healing lightworker category, what with me being a Reiki practitioner and Supernal Adventurer and all. Yes, I admit a fascination with the “out of this world,” including, but not limited to, UFOs, angels, crop circles, and quantum physics. I’m not a fan of Big Pharma, Big Oil, or Big Agra. Natural healing and organic eating are my jam.
Where do I stand on conspiracy theories? Historically, some conspiracy theories turn out to be valid, i.e., the Catholic Church covering up decades, perhaps, centuries, of sexual abuse. But for those who still believe the moon landing was a hoax of Hollywood special effects, there’s simply too much evidence to the contrary.
Conspiracy theories are seductive and breed distrust. They can also be true. They can also be false. This year it seems to me many have been seduced in alternate directions. Discord and suspicion is being seeded across all communication channels. Fears are being fed. Perhaps it’s time to step back and exercise discernment and common sense.
The following interview between well-known Gaia personality, Regina Meredith, and archangel channel, Belinda Womack, is certainly high on the woo-woo scale. Womack has been interviewed several times on Meredith’s Open Minds show at Gaia. She gives herself over to angelic entities to relay messages to us humans experiencing the planetary classroom known as Earth. Womack contacted Meredith saying the angels wanted to address conspiracy theories and how they are affecting the collective consciousness. I’m sharing it here because much of it resonated with me. Regina has certainly received a lot of blow-back in the YouTube comments, along with some support. I’m sort of placing a bull’s eye target on my chest for argument by sharing the interview. But, avoiding all controversy is cowardly. For me, the ultimate message of the angels is to promote love and connection, not fear and isolation. But, judge for yourself.

Bright blessings,

Dana Taylor

House Call: A Story of Hope for the Chronically Ill

by Dana Taylor

My work as a Reiki therapist often involves chronically ill clients who have “tried everything” in their search for wellness. There are certain recurring themes I see in these people. Often I must choose my words carefully in expressing my impressions to them. I know that their world view and my world view are very different.
HOUSE CALL is a parable to teach and reveal certain principles of healing in story form. The tale centers around a young mother, Angela Mattea, who struggles with chronic disease. Her greatest desire is to see her ten-year-old son, David, grow to manhood. Her downward spiral seems inevitable until a day when a very special therapist is sent from “the agency.”
HOUSE CALL: A STORY OF HOPE FOR THE CHRONICALLY ILL is now up at on my YouTube channel. It runs about 45 minutes. I invite you to listen and feel free to share it with someone who may need to hear it.
Bright Blessings,

Miracles Happen

by Dana Taylor

“Miracle”–an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause; such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God.

“For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.” from The Song of Bernadette by Franz Werfel

Since 2005 I’ve been puzzling the mystery of miraculous healings, when one of my closest friends, Paula, overcame an “incurable” disease, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), via two Reiki treatments. It took us many months to accept her healing had truly taken place. Eventually the word “miracle” was bandied about.  (Read either of my Supernal Series books to get the full story.) Was it truly a miracle? Something beyond human ability to replicate?  What if we had stumbled upon a valid, alternative approach to health and wellness? What if we were simply ignorant of the principles behind what we deemed a “miracle”? Perhaps we were like 17th century humans who have considered electricity, air travel, and antibiotics “miracles.” I’ve been studying “miracles” ever since.

So, of course, I couldn’t resist a book entitled Miracles from Heaven: A Little Girl, Her Journey to Heaven, and Her Amazing Story of Healing in the bargain books on a recent visit to Barnes and Noble. Written by Texas resident, Christy Wilson Beam, Miracles from Heaven, relates the difficult and inspiring story of Christy Beam’s daughter, Annabel. As the subtitle reveals, Annabel had been a chronically ill little girl for most of her life when she took a head first thirty-foot fall into the center of a hollowed-out cottonwood tree. While her parents, sisters, neighbors and emergency crews worked on rescuing her, she was transported to another dimension and sat on the lap of Jesus.

Christy Beam and her editors do a deft job of weaving the day of the fall and trauma with the back story of Anna’s debilitating illness. Christy and Kevin Beam live in the “silver buckle of the Bible Belt” in Burleson, Texas. Kevin is a veterinarian, Christy a stay-at-home mom with three daughters, Abbie, Annabel, and Adelynn. They were the perfect Baptist poster family until Annabel was struck with a disorder that prevented her from digesting food. Their journey through emergencies, surgeries, specialists, and vigilant monitoring is revealed, but not belabored. The resilience of little Annabel is inspiring, as is the unity of the Christian family that strives for joy and gratitude in all circumstances.

I don’t think it’s a spoiler to tell you Annabel not only survived the fall,  but that she emerged completely healed of her illness. The book is written well enough with engaging personalities that knowing the happy ending is coming doesn’t take away from the reading experience.

This healing is reminiscent of Anita Moorjani’s book, Dying to Be Me. (See The Gift of Cancer.) Both books relate near-death experiences followed by complete healings of chronic conditions. These things happen. They fall far outside modern medical models. Double blind studies are impossible. They can’t be replicated by drugs, surgeries, or protocols.

Yet, there are lessons to be learned. Simply being opened to the possibility of improvement may be a first step. The Beam family maintained a deep, abiding Christian faith that got them through the toughest of times. After seven years of dealing with RSD, my friend, Paula, had been told by her doctors that her options were finished. She should go home, get her affairs in order, and prepare to deteriorate and die. When I suggested a visit to Oklahoma and a few Reiki treatments, she could have rejected the idea in resignation and despair. Instead, she reached out to a branch of hope. She didn’t expect a healing, but perhaps some relief from pain. Instead, she received the “miracle.”

One thing receivers of miracles seem to have in common–they reach out to others with compassion and generosity of spirit. Annabel is noted for her kindness and hopes to work with chronically ill children. Anita Moorjani travels the world speaking on spirituality and self-acceptance. Paula is always helping others less fortunate than herself.

Miracles have a ripple effect. At this point, I can only say, be open to “miracles” and when they happen, don’t ignore them. Miracles are a second chance at getting life right. Live with joy, gratitude and compassionate action. Maybe we can all become miracle workers.

Bright Blessings,

Dana Taylor

Don’t miss the Supernal Series Books!



Of Orbs and Angels

Picture by Celtic Gardens

Picture by Celtic Gardens

by Dana Taylor

2016 was….interesting. The political frenzy was overwhelming to the point that many healer and esoteric types have just been laying low, myself included. I have continued working with healing energy, keeping journals, and embarked on a few Supernal Adventures. In November, my dear friends, Paula and Wayne, visited Oahu. For those of you who have read Ever-Flowing Streams: Christ, Reiki, Reincarnation & Me, you’ll remember Paula had a “miraculous” physical healing of an “incurable” disease via Reiki in 2005. Her healing set us on an exploration of energy healing and multidimensional living.

I’ve learned to “expect the unexpected” whenever I get together with Paula. One dark Wednesday evening Paula, Wayne and I took a Mysteries of Honolulu tour with Lopaka Kapanui, a well-known Hawaiian storyteller. He took us to the extreme west side of the island and told of tales of blood thirsty female warriors, Night Walkers, and ancient battles. History mixed with spooky elements for the tourist trade. The final stop was a place called Shark Cave. Lopaka warned us that we might not be allowed to enter by the guardian spirits. Under an amazing starry-starry night sky, he offered a chant at the entrance of the cave. We waited silently a moment and then he signaled that we had permission to enter.

Later Paula asked him, “Who was the woman chanting back to you?”

“You heard that?” He was very surprised. Of course, he doesn’t know Paula like I do. I’ve seen her channel and even deliver messages from my now-departed pet cat, Buddy. She once called me and said Buddy wanted his bed back in the back yard. I pondered that a moment. I remembered the pile of towels that had been sitting on a shelf. I’d recently taken them in, washed them and put them away. I hadn’t realized Buddy considered them his new bed. Buddy, via cat-whisperer, Paula, got his bed back. That’s just a small sample of Paula’s multidimensional abilities.

So, back to Shark Cave. Lopaka told about the old hermit who once dwelled there (and still does), the old woman in another corner, and more disturbingly, the young boys who were murdered by a trusted teacher. The space made me feel dizzy and the image of the old, naked hermit floated in my mind. Paula tuned into the pain of the boys and heard some voices. During the course of the evening I took many pictures. The only one of interest came from Shark Cave. See the variety of orbs? As orb pictures go, it’s only so-so.

When I sent it to Paula later that evening she said, “Look, Buddy is in the right corner.”

Then the picture made me smile. If you look at the right foreground, it indeed looks like a cat has photo bombed the picture.


411upvjyovlOrbs in pictures are becoming more common with the advent of digital photography. Many are merely dust particles. But others appear to be associated with spiritual activity. The Internet is rich with pictures and theories about orbs. One of the more respected books about the subject is, The Orb Project, by Klaus Heineman, Phd. Also visit the Celtic Gardens Spheres of Light website.

The orbs in Shark Cave were just the beginning. The following Saturday, Paula and I ventured back to the west side for a full day with the healer and stone whisperer, Angela Pouhakoula, who offers healing classes and tours to the Hidden Sacred Sites of Oahu.

Angela Pohakuola

Angela Pohakuola

Her home is actually a sacred site, filled with crystals inside and a prayer walk labyrinth outside. The energy in Angela’s home is palpable and peaceful. At one point we were standing in her kitchen talking and I suddenly felt a familiar cool presence next to me. What I’ve come to call “My Blue Angel” had joined us. In the otherwise balmy space, a pillar of cool air stood beside me. The appearance first began a few years ago in California when I created a Reiki Room. Several times I noticed the cool air. The healing sessions were always stronger and even one life-changing “miracle” occurred when it appeared. Paula once saw a beautiful tall blue angel behind me during a meditation session and said the name was “Asaniel.”

I had my doubts. Standing in the kitchen, Paula, Angela and I all sensed the cold spot. But, was it really an angel? Was it male or female? When I spoke to “Asaniel,” was I just being delusional?

Dana and Paula

Dana and Paula

The day included wonderful moments ~ walking the labyrinth, lunch at an organic farm, a sunset beach ceremony, a lomi-lomi healing session. I highly recommend booking a day with Angela if you visit Oahu.

The most interesting thing happened the next morning. I received a text from Angela:

Angela: Did either of you lose an angel charm?

Me: No. Why?

Angela: I found one on the floor.

Me: Was it in the kitchen where we sensed the cool air?

Angela: Yes it was! I’ll send you a picture.


This manifested charm answers my questions. It’s definitely an angel; it’s female; she exists. Since that time, I have been addressing Asaniel more frequently. Books about angels say over and over that our angels want to work with us, but they must be invited.

During the time Angela and I were exchanging texts, she snapped this picture of her labyrinth. I like to think she caught Asaniel as the blue orb strolling the sacred space.

labr After Paula and Wayne left the island, I figured most of the “unexpected” left with them. But, the latest orb/angel picture popped up Christmas day. The sun was setting on Ala Moana Beach. I captured this moment of my grandson and his daddy and an unmistakable orb companion.


41snae-jo5lI think Asaniel wants me to step up my game. As synchronicity would have it, I downloaded Michael’s Clarion Call by channel Mary Soliel. The easy reading messages from Archangel Michael offer insights about connecting with your angels –and so much more! It is opening my mind to greater creative possibilities to doing the Lightwork so desperately needed as we head into 2017.

As we move forward into an uncertain future, it’s wonderful to know our angels are with us. 

Blessings in the New Year,

Dana Taylor


When Angels Speak

 Angelic Life Coach, Peg Jones, has brought together messages from her angels in a daily devotional and spiritual exercise format to foster personal growth. Begin your days with a word from the Angelic Realm!

619EqTQCSAL._SL1024_Living in the Heart Place with Your Angels: Daily Angelical Whispers throughout The Year is a three year project of channeling inspiring messages from author Peg Jones’ angels. There is a message for each day of the year with a journal exercise.  The angels speak of  many different things, such as love, peace, heart place, joy, healing and healing with color.  They offer self empowerment and hope for you in the dreams you may have for yourself and others. An example of the message is as follows:

April 2

Today we find that when we heal, we heal from the inside out. We get rid of all that is not serving our personal good. The many layers that there are will clear when we are diligent about the healing process. As these layers peel away we will start to feel better and we will be able to see and feel what living in the heart place truly is. We will feel more love and peace within ourselves than we’ve ever felt before. We will feel the clarity of the healing that is taking place. We will understand that we don’t have to hold on to what no longer serves us. Let the Universe help you with this.

Journal exercise:

What are you letting go of and healing today? Think about it and journal about it.

The daily journal exercises will help you to see how you can learn to see how the angels can guide you in your life on a daily basis.

Available at Amazon and author central on Amazon. The book can also be purchased on Create Space at the Create Space Store.

Peg Jones is a certified Angelic Life Coach, Author of many ezines that are online, and also a Reiki II practitioner, and an Akashic Records Practitioner. She teaches classes on her website and will be starting her mastermind classes for her book starting in the fall.  Peg also has her own radio show on Blog Talk Radio.  Her page on Blog Talk is Angelical Whispers.  Peg’s website is Visit her blog at     Peg lives in Massachusetts with her husband Jonathan.  Peg had been a teacher of pre-school and special needs for many years before she became an Angelic Life Coach.

“World of Archangels”–You’re not in Kansas anymore

Note from Dana Taylor:
World of Archangels CoverDanaI recently came across this author and book in one of my facebook groups. World of Archangels caught my interest, especially in light of what seems like angelic connection in my own healing work. Sufian Chaudhary is still quite young in years (24), but appears to be one of the “old souls” we hear are incarnating on the planet and might be our best hope for the future. I am only about 30% through the manuscript, and it fascinates me. As someone who is increasingly working with spiritual energy, I’ve had several “ah-ha” moments shedding light on some of my experiences. For many, the material will seem really “out there,” but to others leading multidimensional lives, it will be an interesting exploration of the world beyond our five senses.
I invited Sufian to send me some information about himself and a short excerpt from World of Archangels
About the Author

Sufian Chaudhary was initiated into the spiritual world by Archangel Uriel, Jesus Christ and Ascended Master St. Germain. His teachings are channeled by the original Masters who first brought them to life. Born in Australia in 1988, Sufian completed a Bachelor of Commerce with a double major in Accounting and Property Development and started working full-time for one of the world’s largest accounting firms by the time he was only 19 years old. After being in the extremely powerful presence of Archangel Uriel, Sufian has chosen to dedicate his life to teaching the world how to commune with the Archangels.

500 word excerpt

World of Archangels is a spiritual masterpiece designed by Archangel Uriel that retraces the self-realization process that allows you to interact with some of the most influential Beings in this Universe. Regardless of who you are, where you come from or what you are doing, this book contains Universal principles that will redefine your spiritual life. Every single Chapter introduces and explores a powerful spiritual concept. The book is filled with Enlightening meditations, Ancient wisdom and uplifting stories of ethereal encounters with the other side. Whether you are a beginner in this field or an old soul wiser than the day, World of Archangels will help you achieve the next level of your spiritual journey.

Throughout history we have been led to believe that there were only 7 primary Chakras within the human body. There are in fact 12 Chakras that act as representatives for the 12 Dimensions that make up our Universal learning environment. World of Archangels delves quite heavily into each of the Dimensions that collectively became known as Creator School. We are each of us developing souls that will one day achieve the 12th Dimension and leave Creation as powerful Creators ourselves. The fundamentals of achieving such a feat revolves around Unconditional Love and expressing ourselves within the extremely heightened existence of Enlightenment. The Archangels are the Beings who convey these teachings down in order to complete the cycle of learning. World of Archangels was written to simply orchestrate such a Divine meeting; the rest is entirely up to Destiny.

The book follows a self-realization process that Archangel Uriel hand-crafted for the sole purpose of awakening souls. Each chapter continues this powerful journey, where by the end of the book, descriptive meditations upon activating and cleansing the Chakras, raising the vibration of the human body, communing with ethereal Beings, psychic self defense, healing and the ability to understand Life beyond normal human perception becomes available. With self-realization in mind, World of Archangels aims to excel the spiritual aspirant onto a pathway of Enlightenment with dedicated meditations to empower the human energetic body beyond the normal limitations.

Here on Earth we may sometimes become bogged down with all manner of disharmonies that cause us to be shackled into a physical life that was effectively set up for us to fail at some point in time. Sometimes we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel and many times we may even feel burnt by Life itself for no other reason than for the justification of karmic debt. It may be one of the greatest answers to know the meaning of your life and to understand why you are even alive. To genuinely approach an Archangel; these answers may very well be given to you. To live a fulfilling Life, to be free of limitations, to recognize the nature of who you are and where you have come from; this is the result of becoming an awakened soul.

Tapping400  Check out my spiritually uplifting books