Another Mary Poppins Year

by Dana Taylor

New Year greetings to friends, followers, and passerbys. Looking back on 2021, most people were glad to see it go. Personally, in retrospect, I had an interesting and generally positive year. Since my husband passed in 2013, I’ve been a modern Mary Poppins, sailing in on my magic umbrella to where I seemed to be needed most. By January of 2021 I had floated down to San Jose, CA, living in the lovely house of a wonderful lady, a mere four minutes drive from the home of my younger daughter, who was about to deliver baby #4. Our darling Caleb was born on January 8 and has joined his sibling tribe with an amazingly sweet personality. I spent much of 2021 in parks, pushing swings or a stroller. The oldest grandchild, Noah, has embraced baseball. My pitching and catching skills have surprisingly improved.

My esoteric pursuits broadened in 2021 with intensive distance energy work for the myriad of names that came my way. My Hawaii prayer partners faithfully meet every Wednesday afternoon via Zoom through Unity Church of Hawaii (all welcome). Of course Covid played a prominent role on the prayer lists. A year ago one of my closest friends, Paula, became very ill. We pulled out all the stops for her. At the darkest hour I contemplated what a hole her departure would make in the lives of people very dear to me. And I had a flash of sorrowful empathy for the thousands suffering such losses in a time of woe. We are immensely grateful that Paula is still on planet Earth here in January of 2022. Her doctor recently told her he hadn’t expected her to survive and sent her home to die surrounded by her family, rather than alone in a hospital. She smiled and said, “He didn’t know about my spiritual team.”

Healing energy and information seems more real to me than ever. The Ever-Flowing Streams of Energy, as I call them in my spiritual memoir (Ever-Flowing Streams: Christ, Reiki, Reincarnation and Me), are flowing still. I tap into them every day, focusing on the names on my list. Some names I “hit” on more than others, sometimes getting full impressions of physical and emotional needs. I send energy as directed. Some times I pass on information that I think would be helpful. In the past two years, I’ve received enough validation of my impressions that I’ve grown bolder in sharing what I see. Of course, often I get impressions, but passing them on doesn’t seem particularly helpful, so I keep them to myself.

My greatest hope for 2022 is that we will collectively break out of the web of fear that has been cast so effectively over the world. The Light of Divinity is shining brightly for those who throw open the spiritual curtains.

Spirit has led me to continue recording meditations and energy transmissions on my YouTube channel. I generally have only a vague idea of what they will be about. I get into the Zone and let the words and energy flow. The latest one is geared for long haulers, chronic illness and anybody who wants to rise to a higher frequency of health.

Now, in January of 2022 I’ve “Mary Poppinsend” to the mountain village of Ben Lomond to a cottage on the banks of the San Lorenzo River. I hear the rushing water and have a view of a genuine replica of a Scottish castle. Redwood trees stand sentinel around me with their ancient Gaia energy. I think it’s going to be another very interesting year!

Bright Blessings, Dana

I Am With You Always

A recollection from Dana Taylor

Prince of Peace by Akiane Kramarik

On this Easter Sunday, I recall a trans-formative moment. As I grew up, Jesus had always been a historical figure or God image. At certain points, I thought he was more myth than man. Then around 1984, as a young wife and mother, I began searching for spiritual significance. The Christ message of love and forgiveness struck a deep chord. Yet, I wanted something beyond the teachings of a man long dead. Had He actually transcended death? Was He still present in another dimension as the Bible implied? One night I had a “dream.” Kneeling beside my bed, this strong man with riveting eyes reached out and held my hands. Waves of love emanated so strongly, I lay immobile, trying to concentrate on what he was telling me. I could see his lips moving, but the overpowering energy coming through his hands obliterated my comprehension. As he released my hands, I thought–“Don’t go.” As he disappeared, I clearly heard, “I am with you always.”

It was a moment nobody can ever take away from me. I had felt the living Christ enveloping me in His peace and Love. Years later when I saw this “Prince of Peace” portrait by 8-year-old Akiane Kramarik, I recognized the man in my dream. I hope that at some subconscious level, I remember what he said that night. But, it hardly matters. The foundation of my spiritual life was set that night. The journey continues.

As another Easter weekend rolls by, I know beyond the egg hunts and chocolate bunnies, Christ’s love still reaches out to seekers offering forgiveness, peace, and joy.

He is risen…He is risen indeed.

Happy Easter,

Dana Taylor

Ever-Flowing Streams: Christ, Reiki, Reincarnation and Me
Supernal Adventures: Explore the New Normal of Multidimensional Living

When Did Happiness Go Out of Style?

IMG_3406.2016-07-09_162535_kindlephoto-77292004 by Dana Taylor


Thomas Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence so people of the New World could enjoy “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” As a school girl I took that to heart. “The pursuit of Happiness” defined the American way of life. When I married, I assumed my husband and I would live “happily ever after.” Besides Thomas Jefferson, there were all those Disney movies to back up my point of view. As a wife and mother, I strove to make everybody happy. Treats for dinner, fun outings, birthday parties, effusive holidays. Is everybody happy?

It was nearly thirty-five years later when my husband and I were having a frank discussion about the history of our relationship that he said something shocking.

“You’re always talking about being happy,” he said, like there was something wrong with that. And it dawned on me, that the “pursuit of Happiness” was never on his agenda.

In truth, “being happy” probably made him feel guilty. He came from a mindset of sacrifice and denial being much more worthy goals than happiness. So, we were always at cross purposes. As a legal warrior fighting for the downtrodden and abused in the courtroom, he was intense and fierce. “Happy,” not so much.

Nowadays, everyone seems angry. Exposing lies, injustice, shouting profanities. Facebook began as a place to share family photos and has turned into everyone’s bully pulpit. Everyone supports their causes and candidates. And, admittedly, so do I.

file0001008934920Outrage seems to be the order of the day. Pick your cause and scream about it. More guns, fewer guns, more vaccines, no vaccines, build the wall, Dump Trump and on and on it goes.  A cacophony of confusion. Everywhere I turn people are creating their own dramas. They’re living large on Facebook, SnapChat, and Instagram. Whether they are enjoying those activities or have merely been sucked into a seductive, addictive online culture is up to debate.

At any rate, I’ve decided the Pursuit of Happiness can be one of my causes. I can’t save the world. I find Outrage frustrating and exhausting. I’m not a marcher. I admire people who get out and wave their signs. But, I am not one of them. While the angst of the social media may lay guilt on me for my chosen path, I’m saying yes to Happiness.

Somebody should be noticing the butterflies and cute babies. I’ll boldly take joy in shiny bugs, red crested cardinals, crashing waves, and songs by Frank Sinatra. What’s more, I may even sit under a tree and leave my cell phone at home. Can you imagine? Quietly sitting and just being, not doing anything. Radical.

HappyChoiceAs the saying goes, “Happiness is a choice.” It doesn’t seem to be very popular nowadays. But maybe I’ll start a trend. And after that, who knows? “Kindness” could also catch on.

Wishing you a Happy Day ~

Dana Taylor







Are Hillary, Bernie, and Donald Esoteric Archetypes?


A few years ago I was driving on Rosecrans Ave. in La Mirada, CA, almost to the intersection of La Mirada Blvd. It was early evening. I’d probably driven that stretch hundreds, if not thousands of times, because my family moved to that town in 1963. The reason I remember that particular evening so vividly is because, just as I was braking for the red light, I “heard” Pray for Hillary Clinton, she is very ill.

I was startled and mystified by that directive, as Hillary Clinton had not been present much on my personal radar screen. At that time she was orbiting the earth as the Secretary of State, and, truthfully, I hadn’t been a big supporter of her 2008 run for the presidency. As it turned out, that was the evening she was sick with the flu, fainted and hit her head. Her eye sight was affected for months and she had to wear special glasses.

That incident got me to pondering about Hillary and paying more attention to her. She is certainly a lightning for rod for emotion, positive and negative. From an esoteric viewpoint, I wondered if Hillary wrote being the first woman president of the United States into her pre-life chart. Of course, pre-life charts are not contracts or destinies. They are possibilities. For most “ordinary” people, we work on personal life lessons and relationships. But some people appear to have grander, influential roles to play. Hillary certainly appears to be one of those people.

As we continue to shift into new energies and influences, the current chaos is all part of the process. Humans can either do it the hard way with anger and discord, or an easier way with civility and respect. Currently, it appears we are choosing the hard way. 

The video below from Danielle Egnew started trending yesterday on the Internet. Though she looks like a psychic caricature, she offers an interesting esoteric perspective on what’s happening in this election cycle. Judge for yourself:


Wayne D., Real Magic and Me

IMG_2098.2015-06-12_230817         IMG_2184.2015-06-15_202528

Summer closes; fall opens with a sigh. My summer was filled with activity, travel, children, and “real magic.” It began with a writer’s conference on Maui featuring the president of Hay House Publishing, Reid Tracy, and Dr. Wayne Dyer. I grappled several weeks about spending the big bucks to attend. After all, at this point I have no dreams of becoming the Next Big Hay House Author. Too much work building platforms and pursuing fame and fortune. Who needs it?

IMG_2121.2015-06-13_185945Yet, Spirit kept nudging go, go. True, I’d enjoyed a couple Wayne Dyer books. I admired his ability to make complicated esoteric ideas user-friendly for the common person.

Go..go. Fine. I made all the arrangements, put it all on the plastic, and got over the guilt. Maui, here I come!

The hotel was GORGEOUS. A waterfall in the open air lobby, complete with black swan and orange koi. An elegant room to myself, balcony view of volcanic hills and the golf course. Magical sunrises.

The “real magic” came in the form of Wayne Dyer. Seeing him in person for 48 hours as he chatted with Reid Tracy was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Dyer had been on the self-help, spirituality forefront for over forty years. Author of over 40 books, lecturer, talk show favorite. Despite all that “celebrity,” Dyer evolved into a man of wisdom, wit, and love. 

Though always gifted with charisma and a brilliant mind, Dyer struggled with anger and alcoholism. He shared the pivotal moment when he found the grave of the father who had deserted his family. The date was August 30, 1974. A spiritual epiphany settled on Dr. Wayne about the man who had fathered him and he experienced  profound forgiveness. It changed Everything.  Forty one years later, on August 30, 2015, Wayne Dyer slipped out of his corporeal body in the night, his earthly mission completed.

A group of us have bonded that attended the June workshop, now knit tighter with the realization we were among the last groups to experience Wayne Dyer on the planet.

His message continues through books, audio, and videos. I’m reading Real Magic, a book he claimed was largely channeled material. Hay House is currently offering a free viewing of the short film My Greatest Teacher, based on Wayne’s relationship with his father. His Hay House books are being offered at bargain prices.

I will remember a man who exuded Love. He recognized the sacred spirit in everyone he met. He hugged strangers, brought them home, kept pictures of their children. He reached a level of humanity few achieve, as most of us live in fear of others. We keep our shields up. Dr. Wayne had dropped all the shields. He showed us the possibilities of living an Awakened Life.


After that inspirational weekend, I’ve spent the summer enjoying everyday. Living in the Now with my friends and family. I had a grand weekend in Bainbridge Island, WA. Saw fantastic sunsets over Lake Michigan. I had no idea Michigan is such a beautiful state!

Bainbridge Island

Bainbridge Island                                                

Michigan Sunset

Michigan Sunset

Settled into Missouri with my older daughter and her family. Six-year-old Will and three-year-old Gracie kept me hopping’ all summer. Dinosaurs, mine craft, Disney princesses, play dough, swim parties. And then there were my new animal friends– five outdoor cats, a family of raccoons, and the birds of prey circling overhead.

IMG_2246.2015-06-28_004913   Nina Book Cover 2 2

Teaching Will to read inspired a new series of children’s books. Nina’s Kids. Some people knit. I compose books. Using my family archive of photos, Nina’s Kids books are designed to offer the beginning reader a successful reading experience. Learning to read can be painful. Nina’s Kids are digital books to download onto phones and ebook readers. They make reading fun. I invite you to check them out for the children in your life. 

I have a lot of pent up blogging bubbling inside me, so I hope you will enjoy upcoming reviews, insights, and information I think worthy of passing on. 

Mostly I hope you had a happy summer and are looking forward to a fabulous fall.


Dana Taylor


Nina’s Kids books are only $1.99 each in the Kindle Store or FREE through Kindle Unlimited at Amazon

Book One ~ You Are…/He and She

Book Two ~ “Ing” is the Thing

Book Three ~ I Feel

In Paradise with Wayne Dyer

Danaheadshot by Dana Taylor

th-3 Last weekend I blew $2,000 on the Hay House Writing From Your Soul Conference on Maui. Happy Birthday to me. Tropical breezes, flamingos, waterfalls, stunning sunsets and Wayne Dyer. Worth every penny.


Hay House is a major publisher of spiritual and self-help books. When Louise L. Hay couldn’t find a publisher for the book she’d developed helping AIDS patients, she published  YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE independently. Reid Tracy came on board as chief financial officer and brought a canny business sense to structure Louise’s passion and vision.  And the rest is history. Now every spiritual author holds Hay House as their dream publisher. Well, except me. More on that later.

Doreen Virtue

Doreen Virtue

This weekend brought 550 authors and wannabe authors to Maui to soak in the bliss of Hawaii and the wisdom of Tracy, Dyer, and other Hay House luminaries, including all-things-angelic, Doreen Virtue. She lead off on Friday evening, speaking for three hours about her career path. She’s not the top selling Hay House author by accident. The woman works hard. Writing, speaking, traveling. Non-stop for the last twenty-five years. Her degrees in counseling began with a more traditional path of self-help books. She fought the inward nudging to write about her angel messages until a terrifying carjacking incident rocked her world. Being true to herself became more important than potential ridicule. Virtue’s angel books are a global sensation. She is lovely in person. Friendly and generous.

11148396_10205550936626793_5963176679843527715_nSaturday and Sunday featured a cozy fireside chat with Reid Tracy and Wayne Dyer, minus the fireplace. No special effects, graphics, bells or whistles. Just experience and wisdom. Tracy shared the harsh realities of what it takes to be a Hay House author. Great books and a great following. Like love and marriage, you can’t have one without the other. Tracy’s points:

  • Build Your Platform–an author must be social media savvy in today’s publishing scene. Thousands of Facebook followers, a dynamite blog site, a huge email list. 
  • Define Your Message–what are you saying to the world. What makes you unique?
  • Marketing–authors sell the books, not the publishers. Have a plan and execute it.
  • Write a great word-of-mouth book–Last, but not least. Building the biggest platform in the world won’t do much good if the book is a bore. Of course, that’s the elusive mystery. What makes a great “must read” book? Nobody can define it, but we know it when we see. 

51mjCI+NGYLWhile Tracy was instructive, Wayne Dyer was inspirational. Spell-binding even. At age seventy-five, he has reached a guru status that is well-deserved. I’ve admired the few Dyer books I’ve read through the years. He brings esoteric thinking to the common man. In 2003 when I was drowning in despair taking care of my stroke-affected father, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, pulled me out of the emotional flood waters.

Seeing Dyer in person feels like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. His rags-to-riches personal story is compelling. His brilliance is surprising, though it shouldn’t be. Quotes from Nietzsche, the Tao, Melville, Rumi, the Bible, Shakespeare and more comes trippingly off his tongue. He weaves a tale, meandering until you wonder if he forgot what he was talking about about, then he pulls it all together into a great life lesson. He is humble, grateful and giving. He is simply a Great Teacher. 

I went for the weekend because I could, living a short puddle jump away. I admire Hay House and what they bring to the world. I thought Wayne Dyer would be good. I hoped to network with some local writers. And of course, there was Maui itself. Paradise. I enjoyed it all.

As for my writing career, I don’t see myself getting The Call from Reid Tracy. I’d rather watch a beautiful sunset than attract another thousand followers on Facebook or jump in a pool with my grand kids than agonize over a book proposal. I want to meet new people and listen to their stories rather than pushing my agenda on them.

But, mostly, I want to write beautiful books that come from my creative heart. They may come fast; they may come slow. I’ll love them first and hope others love them later. That’s what Writing From The Soul means to me.


Dana Taylor

Visit my Books and Bio Page
