Looking into Past Lives for Present Problems

by Dana Taylor

Listen to this post on YouTube

Lately I’ve been asked to send distant healing to two young men struggling with on-going mysterious medical issues. They live in frequent pain. They struggle to work and raise their families. They visit doctors searching for help, but don’t receive much relief, only vague possibilities of maladies and a rotation of drugs. Neither of them are greatly open to alternative medicine or non-Western thinking.

As I’ve focused on them in meditation, I’ve received impressions of their physical ailments as manifestations of past life connections. Of course, such an idea is outside of their world view. They see this as their only human experience. They don’t see threads of other expressions, other times and experiences. They look only for chemical answers to healing their bodies. It brings to mind the Old Testament Scripture: My people die for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6

I wish I had the power to open their understanding of the dynamics of this thing we call Life. I wish they could view the current personality as just one bead on a long energetic string holding other personas. That string might not be a straight thing either. It could be twisted and tangled with beads from vastly different places and time frames. The beads impact and influence each other, all held together by the same buzzing string. How different their world view and sense of personhood would become.

I speak from personal experience. My world view changed after a life-altering visit to a Reiki therapist fifteen years ago. A life-long physical mystery had brought me to her therapy table. Standard medical options had long since been exhausted. Her insights into the last moments of a girl who lived centuries ago resonated with me. I wasn’t that little girl, but her traumatic death and feelings of anger and betrayal rippled into my current life experience. Of course, there’s a word for it: karma. I had unfinished business. Recognizing the root of my ailment was the first step toward true healing. That journey is chronicled in Ever-Flowing Streams: Christ, Reiki, Reincarnation & Me.


Dr. Brian Weiss

Even though billions of people around the world incorporate the world view of reincarnation, it is still largely denied in Western cultures. Though past life therapy is not new, it’s still on the fringe of society. Ideas take decades, even centuries to shift paradigms. Hypnotherapist Dr. Brian Weiss, a Columbia University and Yale Medical School graduate, published the ground-breaking book Many Lives, Many Masters in 1988. In it he details therapy sessions with the patient who would forever change his life. During hypnosis she spoke of past lives and relationships impacting the quality of her current life. That patient changed the course of Dr. Weiss’ career into studying the consequences of past lives on patients. Similarly, in 1994, Dr. Michael Newton revealed his case studies of past lives and life-between-lives in the classic,  Journal of Souls, followed by Destiny of Souls. Those doctors opened up a whole field of study that is still met with great skepticism.

At the University of Virginia, Dr. Jim Tucker continues the work begun by Dr. Ian Stephenson, who traveled the world investigating children who supposedly remembered past lives. Dr. Tucker has widened the field of study and continues to explore the idea that we are eternal beings. His book, Return to Life, reports on American children with connections to past lives.

Despite the work of highly credentialed academics, speaking of past life influence still sets of an image of an airy, flaky New Age guru, bilking naive followers out of their hard-earned cash. From some quarters it is considered evil and from the depths of hell itself. Fear-based thinking keeps many people in the darkness of their suffering.


From my perspective, this life is only one chapter of a big book. How could I know what brought me to this point if I don’t consider the earlier chapters? If you read reincarnation books, you’ll see certain patterns. For instance, say a person once died of terrible fall, breaking their back. Chronic back pain may be a problem in this life. Sometimes, simply revealing an event through past life hypnosis can have a healing effect.

Lois Wetzel’s fascinating book, Reincarnation: Past Lives and the Akashic Records,  reveals that often last thoughts can have strong effects. For instance, a drowning victim’s last thoughts might be, I should have stayed away from the water. So, subsequent incarnations come with a fear of water. Finding the source of the fear can be the first step toward healing.

Troubled relationships can have a past life connection. I once meditated about someone who treated me very well, but my feelings toward him were confused for no known reason. In the meditation, I saw us as two teenagers in Eastern Europe running through a forest, trying to escape murderous soldiers. As we ran into a clearing, I was shot in the chest. As I lay dying in his arms, I looked up at his face and blamed him thinking, I should never have trusted you. Watching the scene unfold in my mind completely changed my attitude toward him. The last thoughts of the girl had been immature and unfair. The boy had tried hard to save them.

Sometimes a person develops a mysterious malady that has an age trigger. For instance, one of my clients was perfectly healthy until she was twenty-three years of age. Suddenly, she became allergic to almost every thing she ate. Her skin erupted into cysts and sores. She lost weight. For fifteen years her relationship with food was a painful mystery. She eventually learned to live on rice, tofu, and vegetables. She came to me for Reiki treatment after a car accident. At her second treatment, we had an extraordinary session that included an angel (visible to me) and healing guidance about her stomach and intestines. After that session, she could suddenly eat many more foods. At our next session, we explored a past life connection. I had a vision of a young Asian woman in a terrible, dirty, dank dungeon. Her once-lovely clothes were filthy. She was starving to death. I had the impression that she was royalty and thought she could criticize the government, but had been imprisoned for her revolutionary outbursts. Her ordeal began at age twenty-three.  The client and I had more sessions working through the resentment and anger of that life time, which led to a happier, more productive present life.


We humans are very complicated creatures. Truly, we know so very little about ourselves–why we do the things we do, why we like the things we like and hate the things we hate. We are the sum of countless experiences in many realms and many eras. When a person is chronically ill, looking for answers and direction in multiple avenues should be explored.

I hope the two young men find a path toward healing. Knowledge of their past lives may or may not be helpful. But, what if it is? What if a past life connection is the missing piece of their puzzle? What if they get a clue towards living a healthier, pain-free life? A life to enjoy their children and the days ahead. Isn’t the possibility worth exploring?

People shouldn’t suffer for lack of knowledge.

Bright Blessings,

Dana Taylor


Reincarnation: Past Lives and the Akashic Record


One of the most fascinating and wisest women I’ve come to know through cyberspace is Lois J. Wetzel. She recently released of an audio version of Reincarnation: Past Lives and the Akashic Record. You don’t want to miss this one!

The book description:

In “Reincarnation: Past Lives and the Akashic Record” Lois J. Wetzel, MFA, has written the long-awaited sequel to her first book, “Akashic Records: Case Studies of Past Lives.” Yet “Reincarnation” takes the reader on a trip to the past like none other. Once again, riveting stories of the past lives of scores of different people are narrated. These lifetimes go back hundreds of thousands of years on Earth, allowing the reader glimpses of long-lost civilizations not contained in our historical record. In this book, unlike the first, the author challenges our ancient history as wrong, giving ample examples of proof we have lived on this swirling ball of minerals for hundreds of thousands of years! She talks about her past life readings for clients, but she also shares some of the spontaneous past life memories which others, including famous people, have had. 

The past lives of Lois’ clients are shared so that the reader may learn and grow from the experiences of her clients. Naturally, clients’ names and identifying information have been changed to protect their privacy. Surprisingly, some readers have said they actually felt some of their own past life issues were resolved as they read about the prior lifetimes of others. 

Why learn about our past lives? Isn’t this lifetime enough to handle? Because the whole story of who we are has to do with everything we have experienced. We know that who we are has a lot to do with our childhoods. Why would it not have to do with who we were in our prior lifetimes? Knowing about our past lives allows us to know more fully who we actually are at the level of the Immortal Soul. Why are we terrified of, instantly despise, or immediately adore someone we’ve just met? Why would we avoid visiting a certain location, even though there is no reason? Why do cruise ships or horses terrify us? Why are we so powerfully drawn to bow-hunting, cake decorating, scuba diving, fashion design or sailing having never experimented with it before? Why do some things come so easily people swear we have done it before? Why were we born with these predispositions? Are the answers in past lives? 

The author also includes correspondence between the clients and herself before and after the reading was done, so that we can see the client’s experience of the reading, and the reaction to the reading and the information which came out of it. 

“Reincarnation” also discusses some truly strange concepts, like parallel and overlapping lifetimes, and why it may be possible to be alive in two bodies in different locations on a timeline that overlaps. Or how can we die and come back into the same body, remembering the out-of-body event with conscious awareness of ourselves while not in our bodies? 

All these topics and more lie between the pages of this fascinating and compelling book.

Lois J. Wetzel

Lois J. Wetzel

Available in the Kindle Store at Amazon

Erasing Reincarnation from the Christian Mind

Book Cover Reveals: Coming soon–a new look and a new book

Streams                   Adventures

Back in 2010, Ever-Flowing Streams: Christ, Reiki, Reincarnation and me was the original title of the book currently called Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy. While I felt the first title more accurately captured the spirit of the book, I changed it in deference to my husband (now deceased) who considered “Christ” and “Reincarnation” associated together an insult to his faith. In the ensuing years, the greatest feedback I’ve received about the book has been from people in the Christian church thanking me for giving them “permission” to maintain a faith in Jesus and yet embrace a philosophy of reincarnation.

Since I’m on the brink of releasing a companion book, Supernal Adventures, I feel it’s time to repackage Ever-Flowing Streams and restore the original title. There’s a whole chapter devoted to the controversy regarding reincarnation. Here is a snippet, revealing some history. As it turns out, many early church theologians and followers believed reincarnation to be the way of the human experience.

Excerpt from Ever-Flowing Streams:

“Born Again?

Great minds and mystics have grappled with the theory of reincarnation for eons. The modern Christian church dismisses the concept. The party line is that we are born once; we have the option of accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior for our ticket to heaven; if we don’t, we are condemned to hell. This interpretation of scripture promotes church membership quite effectively.

But looking historically and globally, I found that reincarnation has been embraced by cultures far and wide. Even the Bible retains passages that allude to it. Besides the reference above from Matthew naming John the Baptist and Elijah as the same soul, Jesus seemed to convey the concept in several references:

John 8:58–Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.

Luke 9:18-20–“Who do the people say that I am?” And they answered, “John the Baptist; but others say Elijah; and others, that one of the old prophets has risen.”

John 9:2—As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

If you take the above passages at face value, it appears there was a cultural acceptance of the idea that souls return to the earthly plane. Clearly, the people of the time exhibited a belief in reincarnation if they conjectured Jesus might be the returning spirits of Elijah or an Old Testament prophet.

Theologians have argued these passages for two thousand years. One of the earliest and most respected was Origen of Alexandria who lived from 185-254 A.D. According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, he believed in the “pre-existence and fall of souls; multiple ages and transmigration of souls; and the eventual restoration of all souls to a state of dynamic perfection in proximity to the godhead.” Quite the metaphysician, Origen. He devoted his life to teaching and writing his Christian beliefs until the Roman Emperor of the day ordered a purging of the followers of Christ. Origen was martyred in Tyre. 

The debate continued for another two hundred years until the church grew into a political institution. According to Life Between Life by Joel L. Whitton, Ph. D, “The new Church-State alliance, aiming for the cultivated dependence of the masses, felt threatened by those who believed in rebirth because such Christians tended to be self-reliant, free-thinking individuals whose subservience could not be guaranteed.”

In 553 A.D., the Fifth Ecumenical Council condemned Origen’s theories as heresy (the root definition meaning “able to choose”).  Emperor Justinian formally denounced the concept of rebirth in no uncertain terms:

If anyone assert the fabulous pre-existence of souls and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema

Wow–let him be anathema– as in a “person or thing accursed or consigned to damnation or destruction.” 

 Zealous church leaders followed up that dictate by slaughtering a half million reincarnation-believing Cathars in Southern France during the 1200’s. Not satisfied with that carnage, the Inquisition was born.

Carol Bowman sums up the legacy of such repression in Children’s Past Lives thus:

The murderous efficiency of the Inquisition proved effective. The persecution by the institutional Church has scarred our collective psyche, and it has surrounded us with an invisible fence dividing what is safe from what is dangerous to believe. Since then, people who harbor forbidden ideas have learned to keep their thoughts to themselves. Our cultural memory still carries the fear of reprisal for publicly associating with any occult practices, the use of psychic powers or a belief in reincarnation.

Consequently, believers in reincarnation were effectively wiped out or muzzled. In time, the masses of the West generally forgot about it. The day-to-day struggle to survive and the poor education of the eras erased reincarnation concept from cultural memory. “

I’m happy to be living in a modern culture where my ideas can be expressed without fear of torture and death by church and government officials. Indeed, the content of the soon-to-be-released Supernal Adventures would have had me burning at a stake in a earlier era.

If you haven’t read, Ever-Flowing Streams, I invite you to check it out, in its current incarnation. I hope it will intrigue you to find out what happened next in Supernal Adventures–coming soon!


Available in the Kindle Store at Amazon and paperback at Lulu.com



Past Life Regression Therapy Uncovers Root Causes of Distress

Barbara Becker

Barbara Becker

Barbara Becker is an award-winning author and holistic healer. The following article presents an excellent illustration of the value of past life regression therapy. She is a certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique practitioner.

Posted with permission from Barbara Becker Healer.com

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is the modality of past life regression and self healing that the world renown and well respected Dolores Cannon, discovered, developed and perfected to give clients the quickest and easiest manner of deep trance level hypnosis. She and her daughter, Julia Cannon, taught others how to facilitate these powerful and transformative sessions. There are now over 5,000 QHHT practitioners all over the world.

As a Level 2 QHHT practitioner, the experience I’ve gained in facilitating these sessions over the past year, and the advanced level training in the 2nd level QHHT course, have prepared me to help my clients experience their sessions in a comfortable, safe and unconditional loving environment. My life experience training that I have shared in my book, Enclosure: A Spiritual Autobiography, has prepared me to expect the unexpected. Working with the unknown is where I thrive, and in turn, be the best guide that I can, for my clients. There is no subject or scenario that I’m not willing to explore. People come to me from all walks of life, and are wanting to face their fears, clear up karma, and find direction and purpose in their life. A Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session provides these interests and more, much more. In my humble opinion, QHHT sessions are so comprehensive in clearing karma, removing disease and illness, providing answers to questions, and giving the client a closer connection to their Higher Self and God/Source Energy, that usually only one session is necessary, in accordance with their soul path, missions, agreements and contracts. For many, a person doesn’t know what is possible until they experience a QHHT session. At the very least, and what I consider to be pure gold, is a client finds out more about themselves and what inner work needs to be done by them. When inner work is completed, a person will advance on their spiritual journey and finds peace and harmony in their life. This is the path or journey to Enlightenment. In that regard, QHHT is sacred work, sacred service.

917IKWm+lFL._SL1500_In this session, the client’s Higher Self was talking with me about her concern of anxiety about public exposure. She clams up in groups and has what is termed “situational anxiety”. Under hypnosis, we are looking for the root cause of this anxiety. The client shared her experiences of her parents reading her private diary as a teenager. She was physically and verbally punished for writing down her feelings and thoughts. As you can imagine, this was very traumatic on her psyche (the human mind, soul or spirit). For the purpose of privacy, I will call her Kelly.

I knew we struck a chord, a button, if you will, simply by asking for the root cause of her situational anxiety and observing her immediate discomfort. The discomfort was based in fear and it was very deep. This is good. This is where QHHT goes, and brings the underlying problem to the surface of the consciousness, in order for it to be released and healing ensues. My job is to walk on this journey with the client, providing emotional and mental support. Kelly is being shown a scene.

Kelly: Big sigh. “We have to be really quiet. We have to continue our lives so no one notices us.”

Barbara: Why?

K: Big sigh. I can’t talk. Ahhhhhhh. shhhhhh.

B: Is the Ego interfering a little bit?

The Ego will protect the client at all costs. That’s its job. However, the Higher Self is also protecting the client. The Higher Self is very powerful and loving. I will talk with the Ego and the Higher Self, just like they are people in the room, and remind everyone we are all on the same page. We want the best for the client.

What happened next shows us this client was able to merge her Ego with her Higher Self, allowing what ever needs to happen to come to fruition. I already know the Higher Self will not show the client anything the client can’t handle. She was able to look at the past life scene the Higher Self was showing her, while I was talking with them. I further asked the Higher Self to calm Kelly down so she’ll be able to describe what they are showing her. And it worked beautifully!

K: I’m holding really still and I’m trying not to let on that he’s my husband. [the client began stuttering] Whoa, whoa.

B: It’s all right. [Said with a calming voice]

Kelly’s body was motionless. She was in the scene.


K: I’ve seen them do it before and they’re going to do it to us. The stage is not a stage. If you want to call it, it’s a hu-humiliation stage. There’s an officer, like a Nazi officer… and he’s really cold hearted. Cause, I know that because, I have a heart and I’m a woman. And I can feel this man is super shut down. Nothing motivates this man more than power.

B: Is this the Nazi looking guy?

K: Yeah!! He, he, he, he, uses his power to be sadistic to people. He is not a torturer. He’s too clean for that. Other guys do stuff like that. What he does, as he tries to control the masses, by pulling people up and interrogating them and basically using them- people, as he used us as an example. If you don’t do what we want this is what could happen to you. Even though he was cold and shut down, I could sense he had an intuitive sense and how to weasel into people’s psyche and he would break them. I was afraid he would torture my husband in front of me. And there are people and I can’t look them in the eye, because they know they are there and like in anticipation. But I think they are forced to be there. And your world becomes very small. You can’t see much when you’re in the midst of a survival situation. And I was tuned into this Nazi officer. He’s all verbal and stern. If I let on that I’m related to my husband, he plays on that and controls me or the other people or he would torture me to get my husband to do something.

(Now Kelly started remembering her current childhood memories of her dad beating her, in front of her siblings when he lost his temper. Her mom did not step in to save her from this humiliation.)

K: And so its like, the crowd of people around us, they were powerless. They were afraid. And we felt so alone. And we were higher than them, that’s why it was a stage. And some of the people were friendly to you, but it felt like they were accomplices because they did nothing. They were trying to survive. When I was there, all I could think about was protecting my husband. I can’t remember anything after that.

B: That’s okay. Perhaps that is all they (the Higher Self) want you to see at this time, to help you understand the root cause of it.

K: Big sigh.

B: I’m asking the Higher Self to help Kelly heal this soul memory. Are you able to do this at this time?

Kelly made a huge grunting sigh like when a person trance channels. This is confirmation for me, that the Higher Self is coming through and forward now.

HS: Yes.

B: Can you release it from her?

HS: Ah, yes.

B: Thank you so much!

And this was just a smidgeon of this amazing healing session for Kelly. Dolores found that once the client knows the root cause of a current problem, be it physical, mental or emotional, the problem goes away immediately. Oftentimes the root cause is found in a past life.

Blessings and love,

Barbara Becker

 If you have physical, mental or emotional illness, or need to clear your chakras and energy fields to attain optimum health, a channeled healing can be given over the phone. 

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique private sessions provide the opportunity for you to heal yourself, find out where you are from and your life purpose. Find out the missions you agreed to perform here on Earth and elsewhere. Receive guidance and a solid connection with your Higher Self. Find out more here: http://barbarabeckerhealing.com/services/#quantum


It Will All Make Sense When You’re Dead, etc.


Book Reviews by Dana Taylor

If you’re interested in exploring the realm of spirit communication, It Will All Make Sense When You’re Dead by psychic medium Priscilla Keresey is a good place to begin.

In a matter-of-fact tone, she explains how she developed as a medium and many of the things she has learned. While she offers some examples of client communications with loved ones, she also does of good job of presenting how spirit communicators function. From exploring the various “clairs”—clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient—to explaining common symbols utilized by mediums, she takes a lot of the mystery out of the process. Like many other things, spirit communication begins with a talent and grows into a skill through practice and application.

She also answers commonly asked questions and demonstrates how communication with spirit people can offer healing to those on the earthly realm. Far from being a book of ghost tales, this is a handbook for spirit communication and sheds light on the interplay between dimensions of realities.

Definitely for the Supernal Adventurer!


Finding Home by Melanie Rose

This novel turned out to be a real surprise. I picked it up at the library and I’m not exactly sure why (unless my “team” picked it for me). Anyway, it turned out to be a very interesting blend of mystery with past-life recall thrown into the mix.

The story begins with a woman driving into a storm and getting lost on a country road. The car slides into a tree and the woman attempts to walk out. She soon faints and is picked up by a man and carried to a nearby country cottage. She awakens not knowing who she is, but everything feels  strangely familiar.  The story develops with many well-drawn characters, a sick little girl, her father, the housekeeper and her psychiatrist brother, the farmer and his family up the road. The woman, who takes on the name “Kate,” agrees to be hypnotized in hopes of remembering her identity. Instead, she recalls a life as “Kitty” from the late 1800’s. Increasingly, the past seems to be affecting the present. The author does a good job of tying all the story lines together.

Reincarnation, mystery, a dash of romance—what more could any Supernal reader want?


Happy Reading—

Dana Taylor


The Quantum Case for Reincarnation

Lois J. Wetzel

Lois J. Wetzel

Lois J. Wetzel is a mystic and visionary thinker. She is able to communicate with the Guardians of  the Akashic Records and offers clients life-readings to help them in their present lives. Her latest book, Reincarnation: Past Lives and the Akashic Records is fascinating. At the end of the book, she added an Addendum that ties in some concepts of quantum physics to reincarnation. I asked Lois’ permission to post it here. This is for those of you who “get” it!

Reality is too complex to be trapped by a measurement, according to Dr. Deepak Chopra. In my opinion this pervasive yet foolish notion is the trouble with empiricism; the idea that the truth of what is real can be determined by a set of rules created by humans. This misconception keeps us from living in the real world. Empiricism, the currently accepted scientific method, relies almost solely upon measurement. But reality is just not that simple—as Chopra has said. Human beings are in no position to dictate what features “reality.” Reality is whatever it is. Our notion of how to determine what is real and true—that is what must change. It must change in order to embrace what reality is, not what we think it should be.     

We now know due to advances in quantum physics and mechanics over the last century that our physical universe is far more complicated than was previously believed. These advances convince many that we humans are on the edge of proving that each of us has a consciousness which transcends physical form. Or perhaps we are about to discover there is a supreme consciousness which transcends and underlies all reality, and we are part of that consciousness. Once that is firmly established and understood by a critical mass of us everything will change. A piece of that change will be that it will be finally clear to even the greatest skeptics that past lives are clearly likely within the infinite field of possibilities in which we exist.     

Indeed, the odds are great that the proof of most of what we refer to as psychic phenomena flows from that conclusion about transcendent consciousness.      I have long held that consciousness is all there is. Consciousness creates everything out of the infinite waves of probability floating somewhere in the unmanifest field.    

I first learned about the famous “double-slit experiment” back in the 1980s–the experimenters’ conclusion was that light could behave as either a particle or a wave. Which light “decided” to be was completely dependent upon its being measured. Until it was measured or observed, it was neither a particle nor a wave, just a possibility. This decision light was making was referred to as the “observer effect.” Back then the scientific measurement was considered the important event or deciding factor.     

I am relieved to report that in the ensuing thirty years more experiments have been done. It is now known that not only light, but electrons behave the same way in this experiment. Electrons are bits of matter. With further experimentation it has been found that molecules and atoms behave like waves of probability as well. This means that particles of matter do not decide when, where and how they are going to show up in the physical world until they also are observed. They do not exist as anything but a probability until a consciousness interacts with them.     

Observation being so important, perhaps it needs to be defined. Observation and measurement are the same thing.  Measurement requires some kind of measuring device or tool. One very important distinction about the measuring device is that it includes the physicality of the human being doing the observing. The eyes, the retina on which images are registered, the optic nerve which carries that image to the brain, the physical and chemical components of the brain—all these are as much bits of the measuring instrument as any metal, glass, plastic or wooden objects that might be used for measuring purposes.     

If the brain is simply an instrument, then who or what is doing the observing? It must be something outside or apart from the brain. Clearly, it has to be the consciousness since that is all that is left. In other words, when observation is broken down to its core component all that is left is consciousness—or awareness. In the end, all there is left to do the observing, and hence the creating of reality, is consciousness.      Studies have shown that something interesting happens when we decide to take an action like picking up a writing tool, for example. The hand moves in the direction of the tool a fraction of a second before the changes in the brain which signal that a decision has been made have occurred. Yes, the hand moves before the brain thinks about picking up the tool. Clearly the hand, and doubtless other parts of the body, can receive signals from consciousness as well or better than the brain.      The brain is therefore not where the decision is made. The brain is merely a receiver. The mind, or consciousness, is where the decision is made. Quantum physicist Nassim Haramein has said that looking for consciousness inside the brain is like looking for the announcer inside the radio.     

To further support the existence of a separate consciousness it is important to note certain facts. People who have died and been revived almost always report either standing outside of or floating above their own bodies. They can recount accurately what others at the scene were doing or saying after they died. To test this, certain hospitals even place written notes atop upper cabinets in operating rooms so that someone floating on the ceiling can read these notes and report back what was written there if asked later—assuming they return to life. And yes, some people do return to life and report what was written on top of the cabinets.   Consider that the people’s brains were still inside their bodies during the time they were outside those same bodies observing themselves and their surroundings. Their consciousness was not, though. Their sense of themselves, the part that observes—the part that sees and hears–was outside the body. It therefore seems clear we are not our bodies, nor our brains. What we are is a deathless consciousness which can leave and re-enter our bodies and still be conscious of what was going on as though the body were not necessary.

It follows logically that this consciousness can enter a new body prior to the time of its birth, and leave again at death. So why could we not do that more than once? Why should we assume that this awareness of ourselves cannot or would not enter a new body several times over a long span of time if the conditions were agreeable? Why would we settle for only one lifetime? There is a mounting body of evidence supporting the belief that most of the people on the planet have held for countless thousands of generations. We reincarnate.

Find Reincarnation: Past Lives and the Akashic Record at Amazon