Streaming Entertainment Options for Spiritual Seekers

  by Dana Taylor

I don’t know about you, but finding uplifting and interesting reading and viewing material is a real challenge. Standard news sources follow the journalistic motto, “If it bleeds, it leads,” sponsored by the mighty powers of Big Pharma. The social media has turned into a shouting match of ideologies.

The hundreds of movies and shows now available on my television are mostly filled with murders, betrayal, greed, sex, and violence. Or stupidity, lots of stupidity. Even history is mostly about wars. There are exceptions, like Cosmos or the Planet Earth series, but they are few and far between.

So, what’s the supernal adventurer to do? Fortunately, there are some cyberspace alternatives, if you know where to look.


GAIA evolved from the work-out video producers, GAIAM, whose DVD’s  have offered yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation to a growing audience since the 1990’s. Today GAIA is available online via a monthly subscription. The collection of yoga videos has expanded into all areas of mind, body, and spirit digital entertainment. GAIA produces several series, plus offers a variety of films and documentaries with supernatural, health, or esoteric topics.


Gregg BradenA bestselling author, scientist, and popular speaker, Braden offers Missing Links at GAIA ~ “Connect the missing links between science and spirituality to reveal a new understanding of humanity’s history, the origins of civilization and the power of our heart’s intelligence.” Braden expands the paradigms of modern thinking.

David Wilcock: Wilcock began as a sort of boy wonder, smart and fascinated by all manner of supernatural mysteries. He seems to have a fixation on “cover-ups,” but his shows can certainly be thought-provoking. Wisdom Teachings and Cosmic Disclosure: Inside the Secret Space Program are both very popular with esoteric “truth seekers.” Personally, a little of Wilcock and his side-kick, Corey Goode, go a long way for me. I think they are both sincere in sharing their viewpoints and experiences. They can simply be a bit “out there” for me. But, I invite you to judge for yourself.

George Noory: Inspired by the popular wee-hour radio show, Coast to Coast AM, current host George Noory, created Beyond Belief for GAIA. Interviews with guests on topics such as extraterrestrials, energy healing, ancient aliens, psychic experiences, paranormal activity and the like make for mind-bending conversations.

Regina Meredith: Open Minds features many of the same subject as Beyond Belief, but Meredith brings a more investigative reporter vibe to her show. Many of her guests are highly educated scholars or professionals who offer their experiences and insights on their fields of expertise. Her shows focus on raising consciousness and new trends in esoteric thinking. What her guests may lack in entertainment value, they make up for in credibility.

Lisa GarrInspirations with Lisa Garr interviews many of the heavy-hitters in the Consciousness community–Marianne Williamson, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Denise Linn, Joe Dispenza and many more.

SERIES ~ As GAIA has grown in popularity, so has its ability to produce more costly shows. My two personal favorites are Ancient Civilizations, which shows many fascinating archeological sites, and Deep Space, exploring a dark side of the modern space race.  There are many other shows and films to chose from covering a wide range of subjects.


I’ve felt my yearly subscription cost of $95 a modest investment in enlightening entertainment. See the whole line up at GAIA.COM



Lee Carroll has been channeling the entity, Kryon, for nearly thirty years. I discovered the FREE AUDIO page at three years ago and began listening to the many years of messages that are available there all the time. Kryon is a spiritual teacher who made his presence known to Southern Californian Lee Carroll after the 1987 harmonic convergence. His mission is to help guide humanity into the “new age,” a now over-used and misunderstood term. According to Kryon, when humanity avoided nuclear annihilation, he and many other spiritual teachers began reaching out to humanity to guide us through a transitional 38 year cycle.

Like thousands of other people, I find the Kryon material mind-expanding, thought provoking, and most importantly, encouraging. In moments when I despair over election results or yet another mass shooting event, Kryon messages help keep me focus on doing my part to be the Light.

I had the opportunity to attend a Kryon conference in December of 2017 and found Lee Carroll to be a very regular person. (Read my post Returning to Lemuria with Kryon.) He mingled among the attendees with no air of celebrity. He even fixed the audio equipment. There was no fleecing of the sheep with expensive workshops making grandiose promises. In fact, Lee had nothing personally to sell in the product boutique.

He has recently expanded exposure of Kryon material with a YouTube Channel, new videos, and some interviews. Kryon mentions that his messages will be heard for decades to come, long after Lee is no longer his partner on the planet. Lee appears to be setting up information outlets to make that vision a reality for future generations.

See all things Kryon at KRYON.COM



This site was introduced to me by Lee Carroll, who is using it produce events and a new series he’s entitled, BEGINNINGS. These are friendly chats with Lee’s esoteric pals, who often teach and lecture with him. He interviews them about their life stories–their Beginnings. Two chats are currently available. The first one features Gregg Braden (watch for free) and the second explores the very interesting life of Pragreet Harris. Harris channels an entity known as Alcazar and is known for building Stargates. He brought a Stargate to the Lemuria Conference I attended, so I was able to experience the energy in person. There was definitely something to it!

STREAMING FOR THE SOUL offers a variety of videos taped at various conferences around the globe. The site is strongly associated with IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies, Inc.) Talks from both the 2015 & 2016 are available. Other subjects covered are Energy Workers, Alternative Perspectives, and Inspirational Speeches.

STREAMING FOR THE SOUL offers a free month trial period and charges $9.99 monthly thereafter. I’m currently in my trial month period. I’m two NDE’s in. I’ll have to explore the other subjects to see if I intend to keep paying every month.


So, friends, there you have it–some viewing options for the Supernal Adventurer. You can explore ET’s, crop circles, alternative medicine, channeling, spirituality, NDE’s, ancient civilizations, and even Big Foot. Enjoy!

Supernally Yours,

Dana Taylor


   Visit the Dana Taylor Books and Bio Page





Who Knows The ET Secrets?

Film Review by Dana Taylor

When Steven Greer was an eight-year-old boy, he and his friends witnessed a strange flying object in the sky above his neighborhood. He never forgot it, but went about the business of life. He grew up, attended medical school, and in 1989 became a licensed emergency room physician. But, the memory of that childhood close encounter lingered and eventually set the course of his life.

In 1990, Dr. Steven Greer founded the Center for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). He joined a growing list of credible people, including astronaut Edgar Mitchell, seeking knowledge of ET contact on earth. In 1998 he gave up his medical career to begin the Disclosure Project, which sought to encourage global governments to release all classified information on UFO activity. In May 2001 he gathered 20 Air Force, Federal Aviation employees, and intelligence officers at the National Press Club to share their information. What might have been a ground breaking beginning to a new era of cosmic understanding was quickly glossed over by the powers that be. Attacks on the Twin Towers a few months later further pushed the Disclosure Project into oblivion.

Nevertheless, Dr. Greer and his associates persisted with their work and investigations.

Now, two documentaries are available via Netflix, Amazon, and YouTube for the UFO curious.

SIRIUS introduces Dr. Greer’s work to the general public. Greer comes across as a highly intelligent man, driven by curiosity and a search for truth. He is also spiritually aware, a teacher of Transcendental Meditation. A true left brain/right brain individual, keenly intellectual and esoteric. In SIRIUS we see him and team members sitting in remote areas sending mental invitations to ET ships to approach. Clips reveal excited observers watching lights in the sky fly near and depart.

Frankly, that sort of contact isn’t much different than spiritualists engaging in table tipping. It’s intriguing phenomena, but what does it prove? What’s the point? SIRIUS also weaves the investigation of a tiny South American skeleton known as the Atacama Humanoid, hoping to discover ET evidence in the DNA. While an interesting anomaly, “Ata” continues to be a mystery with no conclusive connection to other worldly origins.

The most compelling take away from SIRIUS and its follow up documentary, UNACKNOWLEDGED, is that the development of the atomic bomb seemingly attracted the attention of advanced ET civilizations to planet Earth. Civilians, airline pilots, retired military officers, and assorted intelligence officers are stepping forward with their personal eyewitness accounts of close encounters. A larger story emerges with lots of unanswered questions.

What does our government really know? Have our leaps of technology since WWII been partly because of reverse technology from downed alien air craft? Who controls this information? It’s suggested that Dwight Eisenhower was the last American president kept in the loop of information. Jimmy Carter relates seeing a UFO. When he became president, he asked to see classified UFO information. Request denied.

UNACKNOWLEDGED goes deeper into the territory of deep state control and secrecy. The rise of the oil industry and global domination of the petro-dollar rules the planet. What cleaner, cheaper, even free, energy knowledge has been suppressed to support the fossil fuel corporations?

The final moments of UNACKNOWLEDGED claim we have “lost a century” of progress. Corporate greed has reigned, caring little for people or the planet. Do ET technologies exist that could vastly improve the quality of life and health of the planet?  That’s the big question of the Disclosure Project.

Little did eight-year-old Steven Greer know when he saw something weird in the sky that day, he was starting a life-journey to global controversy.

Both thought-provoking documentaries are available for viewing through several sources including Netflix, YouTube, and Amazon Prime.


Supernal Adventures: Exploring the New Normal of Multidimensional Living

Visit Dana Taylor Books and Bio Page


“The Healer” Brings Energy Healing to TV

by Dana Taylor

A client/friend alerted me to a new show on TLC entitled The Healer, starring Australian energy healer, Charlie Goldsmith. While a tropical storm battered my Honolulu apartment windows, through the magic of modern technology, I downloaded episode one to see what this Charlie fellow was all about.

After the first fifteen minutes, I was air pumping, “Yes!” A reality show featuring an energy healer in action will hopefully open more than a few minds. Charlie Goldsmith and his sidekick, Amber, are both easy on the eyes, plus speak with engaging Aussie accents. Yeah, they make good TV.

Episode one begins with a woman named Diamond suffering from a disorder now called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome CRPS (formerly referred to as RSD Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome). I am very familiar with that disease because my Supernal friend, Paula, went through seven years of hell with it until she was healed through Reiki. Her story is covered in both my Supernal Series books.

As is common with CRPS, Diamond’s disorder began with a fall. The body registers extreme pain and simply never stops. Complex Regional Pain sufferers have the worst pain known for a disorder. It is constant. The brain and nervous system seem to get stuck in the highest pain mode and don’t turn off the switch. The condition often affects one side of the body and spreads. Doctors attempt pain control with meds and surgical pain block devices, but patients become debilitated and suffer for years.

When Charlie Goldsmith visits Diamond, she has been suffering for two months. She is in a wheel chair. Her husband has turned into her full time caregiver. Her three children are learning to deal with a disabled mother. This being reality TV, their difficult home life is given considerable air time.

Charlie and Amber arrive to see if Charlie’s gift can give Diamond some relief. Watching Charlie “work” was very interesting to me. He simply asks a few questions about the patient’s problem, then shuts his eyes and gets into his healing mode. Most of the time he sits with his hands cupped forming a small energy ball. His eye lids flutter. He tells Diamond he is looking at her energy body and making adjustments.

This method is very reminiscent of the descriptions of distance energy healing laid out in the book, Dream Healer, the first book published by Dr. Adam McLeod when he was a teenager and used only his first name to maintain some privacy. He describes seeing a holographic image of a person’s energy body and making adjustments in a multidimensional way to promote healing. It appears Charlie Goldsmith has a similar gift.

Goldsmith doesn’t employ the full over body hand waving common in Reiki and other energy healing modalities. Rather, he tunes in and makes his adjustments in a multidimensional fashion. Those of us who do distance healing “get it.” I’m sure it seems incomprehensible to people who live strictly within their five senses.

Diamond responds very well to Charlie’s treatment. Her pain level immediately decreases dramatically and he coaxes her into standing and taking a few steps. It takes courage on her part to lean on the leg that had been a source of excruciating pain just a few minutes before. In lovely reality TV fashion, her family cries and embraces her.

Personally, I totally buy into the Goldsmith effect because I witnessed an identical “miracle” twelve years ago with Paula. Of course, I don’t believe it is a “miracle,” but rather an adjustment in frequency through energy medicine. Not only will healers like Charlie be able to help chronic pain sufferers, but I believe devices (See article on Trinfinity8) will be developed that will make similar adjustments when we finally break away from chemicals for medicine and embrace energy medicine.

Anyway, back to The Healer, episode one continues with Charlie treating a young man with Lyme disease and a home visit with actress Jennifer Grey of Dirty Dancing fame. Grey’s treatment brings in a layer of emotional healing. Grey was in a serious car accident just before Dirty Dancing was released. A mother and daughter in the other car died. Grey endured multiple surgeries on her neck and has suffered chronic pain for decades. When Charlie first begins to work on her, she doesn’t sense any improvement. In fact, she hurts more and seems a bit hostile. He continues the treatment and takes different mental approaches. She has a breakthrough and he confides that he sensed an issue of guilt that needed to be healed. As healers well know, emotions can play a large part in whether a person can get well.

Following up with the patients a couple months later, they are all more mobile and enjoying a better quality of life. Charlie Goldsmith does not claim to be helpful with everyone he sees. He views himself not only as a healer, but as a bridge to conventional medicine. He is doing the show and seeking collaboration with medical doctors to open minds to energy healing. Obviously, for the sake of entertaining television, viewers will probably only see the best-case scenario stories.

In my opinion, we’ll be seeing many people like Charlie Goldsmith and Adam McLeod as the years go by. Moving into the post-Shift era, the new frequencies will bring forth children gifted in ways that seem like the stuff of fantasy and science fiction. It will all be part of the new normal of multidimensional living.

The Healer is produced by the TLC channel. Read more about Charlie Goldsmith at his website

I can hardly wait to watch episode two.


Supernal Book Series:

Ever-Flowing Streams: Christ, Reincarnation, Reiki & Me

Supernal Adventures: The New Normal of Multidimensional Living

Visionary Artist Paints the Impossible

a film review by Dana Taylor

The amazing spiritual artist, Akiane Kramarik, recently uploaded a fascinating 24 minute biographical documentary to YouTube. Since the age of eight, Akiane has been an international sensation. The biopic, Painting the Impossible, is narrated by 23-year-old Akiane and features footage taken over the course of her lifetime. The film begins “The day Akiane was born, someone left a gift on the doorstep ~ an old film camera.”

Prince of Peace by Akiane Kramarik

To say her story is unusual is putting it mildly. Akiane’s loving, but unconventional family, experienced extreme deprivation in her early years. At the age of four, she began having visions that she felt compelled to paint. Poetry would soon follow.

As with most great artists, Akiane suffers from a great deal of angst. She is driven by internal forces that at once inspire but also haunt her. The narration feels a bit over-the-top at times with self-indulgent drama. Yet, Akiane’s spectacular work cannot be denied.

My Sight Cannot Wait



From an esoteric viewpoint, she appears to be one of the much heralded Star Children. There was even an incident at the age of six when she “disappeared” one day into another dimension and spontaneously reappeared many hours later. The “missing hours” gave her profound information and instructions to bring back to the earthy plane. Hear her relate her experience in this YouTube Interview.

If you’re looking for an inspirational time-out, watch Painting The Impossible. Also visit Akiane’s website and view the stunning gallery of her work.


New Documentary Shines Light on Medical Alternatives

13051563_1688369204747659_2828516897045729422_n a review by Dana Taylor

Filmmaker Jeff Hays takes on the status quo via the medium of documentaries. In Bought he revealed the unholy alliance between big government, big pharma, and big agra. His latest film, Breakthroughs, (free to view online through May 3) shines a light on seven different alternative health care providers. Rather than beating an anti-establishment drum, Breakthroughs gives seven examples of people who searched for health, often personally or for their families, and then went on to share what they found with the world.

Filmmaker Jeff Hayes

Filmmaker Jeff Hays

The personal stories are varied and interesting–a wild salmon fisherman, a genetic nutritionist cancer survivor, an athletic specialist chiropractor, a skin specialist speaking of “skinflammation,” and more. The emphasis is often on nutrition, departing from toxic chemicals, and lifestyle changes.

The most interesting segment to me focused on Dr. Jason West, DC NMD FIAMA DABCN. Dr. West is a fourth generation chiropractor practicing in Pochatella, Idaho. Building on his family’s foundation, he has broadened his clinic into an all-encompassing comprehensive medical facility. He offers what ideally could be the doctor office of the future. Patients develop a team of physicians tailor made for their particular situation. People often find Dr. West after years of ineffective medical treatment. His staff includes an MD and a variety of alternative medicine experts in nutrition, blood chemistry, clinical nutrition, medical microscopy, herbal, homeopathic, intravenous micronutrient therapy and chelation therapy.

Breakthroughs offers a glimpse of out-of-the-box thinking. In a society so engulfed by a drugs-cure-everything mentality, this film presents people pursuing good health through other methods. Much of it comes down to common sense–eat right, exercise, sleep well. Yet, in our fast food society the simplest lifestyle changes could be precisely the breakthrough many people are missing. Though the film ignores any spiritual, mind body connections, it still offers valuable information for seekers of a happier, healthier life.

If you know someone caught in a cycle of chronic disease and confusion, Breakthroughs might give them a spark of encouragement to seek new directions for health and a sense of personal empowerment.


Read about more breakthroughs in Ever-Flowing Streams: Christ, Reiki, Reincarnation and Me

VAXXED ~ Movie Controversy, What You Should Know

1621774_10152256750714929_1557542093_n by Dr. Kathy Forti

(Reposted permission of and Kathy Forti)

This past weekend I managed to secure ONE ticket to the Los Angeles opening of the documentary VAXXED, which is about the vaccine autism controversy. Every showing throughout the day was SOLD OUT almost a week in advance for a theater that doesn’t even take pre-seating reservations. People were actually lined up outside. Why such a hot documentary? (Watch the Official Trailer below)

v1.bTsxMTc3NzU1OTtqOzE2OTQ1OzIwNDg7MTk0MDsyODc2If you haven’t heard about this film, it’s the one that was slated to be screened at actor Robert DeNiro’s Tribeca Film Festival last month and, due to high pressure by “powerful interests” (i.e. probably the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Vaccine Pharmaceutical manufacturers, and other government shills), DeNiro backed down and took it off the schedule. One can only imagine what they threatened him with regarding the fate of the Festival should he not comply. DeNiro said he just wanted the film out there to start an informed national discussion. He and his wife, Grace, have a son with autism and are trying to understand why, as are thousands of other parents just like them.

As could be expected, trying to stifle this controversial documentary backfired and only made it hotter. Negative publicity is like gold in the film industry. VAXXED is currently playing in New York and Los Angeles (it will even be played at the big AutismOne Conference in Chicago in May) and it will certainly spread to other cities and countries around the world. The cat is out of the bag and people now know, if they hadn’t already suspected it, that our government doesn’t always tell us the truth—especially when it’s not in their financial best interest.

Let me first start by emphasizing that VAXXED is NOT about ANTI-VACCINATION; more importantly, it’s about VACCINE SAFETY. No where in the film does anyone say the concept of vaccination is a bad thing or tell you not to get your child vaccinated. What you will hear is that something has gone terribly wrong with today’s vaccines and it’s time to ask serious questions and get truthful answers. Autism rates began skyrocketing in the late 1980’s when children, before the age of 36 months, started receiving a program of multiple vaccine shots all at once. One would think there wouldn’t be a soul out there against vaccine “safety” for kids, but apparently there are.

In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism.

The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Over several months, Dr. Hooker recorded the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provided the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC.

Dr. Thompson’s analysis of the data showed that multiple vaccines given before the age of 3 years old were increasing autism by as much as 23%, especially in Afro-American males. When a “single vaccine only” program was suggested to cut the risks of multiple vaccinations, the option was quickly taken away. Thompson was told, “It will destroy our MMR program.”

Dr. Hooker enlisted the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children’s health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens.

Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime. It’s understandable why so much effort was made to suppress this film.

What is quite disturbing to learn is that there have not been any long-term studies carried out, by the CDC or a vaccine manufacturer, using a control non-vaccine study group to analyze results against those receiving the vaccine. This is truly astounding when, as every doctor and researcher knows, the scientific community and its varied professional journals demand double-blind or control group studies for drug efficacy.

The VAXXED documentary does not explore what might have made vaccines less safe than before. It only makes one want to ask important questions that need to be known. Since those questions might open a whole other can of worms, I will attempt to shed some light on the issue…

University of Pennsylvania’s Dr. Brian Strom, who has served on Institute of Medicine panels advising the government on vaccine safety says the prevailing medical opinion is that vaccines are scientifically linked to encephalopathy (brain damage), but not “scientifically” linked to autism. (NOTE: The Zika virus is blamed on mosquitos, but many of the women, who gave birth to children with brain encephalopathy, were mandated by the Brazilian government to have multiple vaccines while pregnant. (Read More) This is important to keep in mind.

While Dr. Strom suggests they can’t prove the autism/vaccine link (others strongly disagree), let’s take a closer look at what’s happening in a child’s body when they do have autism. John Hopkin’s researchers found that these children experience acute brain inflammation from widespread activation of brain immune cells  trying to fight off a toxic foreign invader. When the body wages war against itself, it is considered an autoimmune disorder. Autism falls into this category.

No one has officially determined what the actual invader is that the child’s immune system is trying to ward off leading to autism. Is it multiple vaccines that overwhelm the developing immune system at such an early age? Is it the controversial mercury preservative known asThimerosalwhich has been put into some vaccines to protect the vaccine from degradation when refrigeration isn’t always available? Or is it something else even more insidious and disruptive?

Very few people realize that when vaccine manufacturers started removing Thimerosal from theirautismchart vaccines in the late 1980’s, they began the worldwide practice of using human DNA fromaborted fetal cellsMERK lists this on their ingredient label as “recombinant human albumin.” According to a recent Environmental Protection Agency Study (EPA), in 1988 there was a sudden spike in autism disorders, which is the same year the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices began recommending a second dose of the MMR vaccine using the human cell cultures.

The use of growing vaccines in human cell cultures has problems, says former pharmaceutical senior scientist, Helen Ratajczak. She explains that when these human cell fragments are in the presence of the disease they are grown in, both are identified by the immune system as an enemy of the body. This is immediately seen in the neurons of the brain.  The body attacks the brain cells causing acute inflammation, which can continue throughout the life of the individual. Ratajczak also says an additional increased spike in autism occurred in 1995 when chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue. Fetal cell tissue is used today in approximately 23 vaccines.

Years ago they used animal DNA tissue in vaccines, which is why many people became allergic to their pets after receiving vaccinations if cat or dog cell cultures were used. The immune system sees these cells as the enemy. The problem is that with current vaccines used from human tissue, the body will try to reject it, much like an organ transplant recipient might reject a donor organ. The long-term risks to human health of injecting infants, children and adults with human protein/DNA have never been studied.

In 1985, 1 in 2500 children had autism. Today, that figure is 1 in 250. Every seven minutes another child in the U.S. is diagnosed with autism. At this rate researchers predict that by 2032, if something is not done, 80% of boys will have autism. There are many reputable scientists who have done studies showing the link between vaccines and autism. Most all have been discredited after trying to publish their findings—like gastroenterologist, Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Anyone who has ever tried to write an article on the vaccine safety subject has been either vilified or silenced. Even the Huffington Post suppressed a review of the VAXXED documentary by a veteran writer of their newspaper.

National Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 protected vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits. We clearly need to review our vaccine safety policy. Future generations of children are counting on us.

VAXXED Website & Screening Info

Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God