Trinfinity8, Healing’s Next Big Thing?



by Dana Taylor

Updated April 2, 2019

Recently I happened upon the website The Trinfinity8 is an energy healing device developed by Kathy Forti, Ph.D. Seeking more information, I downloaded Forti’s book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journey into the Mystical. My kind of book, right? Definitely! The book not only reveals the author’s personal spiritual experiences but also the path she traveled to develop a unique healing energy device named Trinfinity8.

In 2003 Forti was working as a successful psychologist. She’d had several mystical spiritual encounters, but she wasn’t highly psychic. Then one evening alone in her home she collapsed, entered a tunnel as many near-death experiencers report. When she regained consciousness, she was profoundly changed. She could hear new Guides–The Founders–and began a rigorous education of quantum physics, mathematics, algorithms and more. The Trinfinity8 device developed  from the collaboration of Forti and The Founders.

I know, I know. Pretty crazy, right? However, in the New Normal of multidimensional living, or Supernal Living, as I like to call it, receiving information from nonphysical sources is part of the new paradigm. 

The Trinfinity8 uses pure laboratory grown crystals to deliver digital data in vibrational wave form programmed by the user. Holistic healers, chiropractors, and alternative practitioners around the world are beginning to incorporate the device into their practices. 

As a Reiki practitioner, I see the amazing possibilities. In my world, healing is all about energy. The current reliance on chemistry is an outdated mode. Vibrational medicine is the cutting edge of tomorrow.

Is Trinfinity8 the next big thing? I don’t know. But, it is part of the next generation of healing, whether it’s this device or others coming onto the horizon. The current cost of the device is over $8,000, which makes it generally affordable only to professionals.

As of April 1, 2019, a new product named Ascension11 is available at a somewhat more affordable price, approximately $2,000, for software and lab grown crystals. It appears to be geared toward individuals to experience the Trinfinity technology in their homes.

Ascension11 is a higher dimension software technology designed to facilitate deeper meditative states and raise one’s consciousness.  This unique technology is comprised of algorithmic coding, frequency-based music, and water-coded visuals to help awaken one’s soul connection to universal source, love, and infinite abundance.  Like its Trinfinity8 predecessor, this software also delivers information to the individual through pure quartz crystal rods, which attach to a signal box connected to your computer. Ascension11 is available for both Windows and Mac OSX operating systems.

I will admit to a great curiosity about this technology. Since I wrote this original post in 2015, I have followed Kathi Forti’s adventures via Facebook. Her trips into the pyramids of Egypt are very interesting. There appears to be growing interest in this technology, as this post consistently receives views every week.

Maybe I’ll get a little windfall to purchase an Ascension11. That would be awesome.

Visit and Ascension11 more information 

Have a wonderful, Supernal day,

Dana Taylor



Ever-Flowing Streams ~ Christ, Reiki, Reincarnation & Me

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