A Time to Love, A Time to Mourn

The Relief from Grief Meditation is also available on my YouTube Channel and Healing Meditations page.

Inner Earth Blue Crystal Pool Meditation

Healing Energy for Surgery Recovery Meditation

Spirit moved me on a recent rainy Sunday afternoon to record a healing energy meditation for promoting healing after surgery. Archangel Raphael is known as an angel of healing. He popped into my mind as the session progressed and took part in the meditation.

The human body is such a marvelous creation. The regeneration of tissues in the healing process can be enhanced by frequencies of light and sound. This meditation encourages the listener to tap into the energy streams swirling in the cosmos to aid in recovery.

Get well soon!

Bright Blessings– Dana

Take Heart! A Meditation for Courage and Heart Health

Producing audio meditations is an increasingly co-creative act with Spirit. A few weeks ago I began to have glimpses of a figure wrapped in a beautiful golden cloak imbued with ruby red jewels. One quiet Sunday morning, I decided to set up my recording equipment, go into the prayer zone and see what developed. The result is the Ruby Angel Meditation. Images of golden energy raining down the walls of the room began the mental journey, followed by the appearance of the Ruby Angel. What follows is a healing session for the heart, both physical and emotional.
The music I felt led to use by Jesse Gallagher has glittering moments of drama, but I am not very familiar with the track and was somewhat oblivious to it when I was making the recording. The sync of the drama of the meditation and the music is purely “coincidental.” Or is it? I’ll let you be the judge.
I hope those who listen to the meditation are greatly blessed. ~~ Dana

Healing Feelings of Abandonment Meditation with Mary Magdalene

As a Reiki practitioner and empath, I often pick up emotions of my clients in a healing session. Most of us carry issues of abandonment from either the current life expression or past lives. We can feel deserted by parents, lovers, children, teachers-the list goes on and on. Deep seated feelings of abandonment can color our whole lives, making future relationships difficult as we project the fear of being discarded again.

Pondering this common hindrance to a full and happy life, I asked for guidance in creating a meditation to help people heal their abandonment wounds. My early healing prayer training included the concept of bringing Christ into a process called “Healing of the Memories.” For this meditation Mary Magdalene came to mind as a feminine expression of divinity to complete the energetic power with Jesus the Christ. Enter the sacred space of healing with the Highest of the High and learn you are never alone.

Another Mary Poppins Year

by Dana Taylor

New Year greetings to friends, followers, and passerbys. Looking back on 2021, most people were glad to see it go. Personally, in retrospect, I had an interesting and generally positive year. Since my husband passed in 2013, I’ve been a modern Mary Poppins, sailing in on my magic umbrella to where I seemed to be needed most. By January of 2021 I had floated down to San Jose, CA, living in the lovely house of a wonderful lady, a mere four minutes drive from the home of my younger daughter, who was about to deliver baby #4. Our darling Caleb was born on January 8 and has joined his sibling tribe with an amazingly sweet personality. I spent much of 2021 in parks, pushing swings or a stroller. The oldest grandchild, Noah, has embraced baseball. My pitching and catching skills have surprisingly improved.

My esoteric pursuits broadened in 2021 with intensive distance energy work for the myriad of names that came my way. My Hawaii prayer partners faithfully meet every Wednesday afternoon via Zoom through Unity Church of Hawaii (all welcome). Of course Covid played a prominent role on the prayer lists. A year ago one of my closest friends, Paula, became very ill. We pulled out all the stops for her. At the darkest hour I contemplated what a hole her departure would make in the lives of people very dear to me. And I had a flash of sorrowful empathy for the thousands suffering such losses in a time of woe. We are immensely grateful that Paula is still on planet Earth here in January of 2022. Her doctor recently told her he hadn’t expected her to survive and sent her home to die surrounded by her family, rather than alone in a hospital. She smiled and said, “He didn’t know about my spiritual team.”

Healing energy and information seems more real to me than ever. The Ever-Flowing Streams of Energy, as I call them in my spiritual memoir (Ever-Flowing Streams: Christ, Reiki, Reincarnation and Me), are flowing still. I tap into them every day, focusing on the names on my list. Some names I “hit” on more than others, sometimes getting full impressions of physical and emotional needs. I send energy as directed. Some times I pass on information that I think would be helpful. In the past two years, I’ve received enough validation of my impressions that I’ve grown bolder in sharing what I see. Of course, often I get impressions, but passing them on doesn’t seem particularly helpful, so I keep them to myself.

My greatest hope for 2022 is that we will collectively break out of the web of fear that has been cast so effectively over the world. The Light of Divinity is shining brightly for those who throw open the spiritual curtains.

Spirit has led me to continue recording meditations and energy transmissions on my YouTube channel. I generally have only a vague idea of what they will be about. I get into the Zone and let the words and energy flow. The latest one is geared for long haulers, chronic illness and anybody who wants to rise to a higher frequency of health.

Now, in January of 2022 I’ve “Mary Poppinsend” to the mountain village of Ben Lomond to a cottage on the banks of the San Lorenzo River. I hear the rushing water and have a view of a genuine replica of a Scottish castle. Redwood trees stand sentinel around me with their ancient Gaia energy. I think it’s going to be another very interesting year!

Bright Blessings, Dana