A Time to Love, A Time to Mourn

The Relief from Grief Meditation is also available on my YouTube Channel and Healing Meditations page.

Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?

by Dana Taylor

Register for February’s Sharing Circle at https://spiritualawakeningsinternational.org/event/sai-experiencers-sharing-circle-february-3-2024/

Healing Energy Meditation Available on YouTube

by Dana Taylor

According to The Secret Language of Destiny book, I am on the Path of Articulation. If you are unfamiliar with this big tome, I highly recommend it. Based on astrology, it fits people to certain life paths according to when they were born. I’ve found it very useful in understanding the people in my life.

People on the Path of Articulation “are here to make a commitment to their unusual thinking or way of doing things by articulating it and bringing it to the attention of a broader audience.” Our core challenge is “overcoming the fear or rejection or humiliation.” Which I guess is one reason I found myself with New Age, mystical, healing urges living in the Bible Belt of Oklahoma for thirty years. I was learning how to Live My Truth, despite the culture around me.

Through the twists of fate, I now live in Hawaii, where I can relax into the spiritual diversity of the island. I’ve got the luxury of time, health, and energy to explore creative pursuits. I sing with a local chorus. I write their shows and my blogs and books. I explore the healing arts here and see occasional clients for Reiki energy treatments. Oh, yes, I go to the beach!

Lately, I’ve felt the spiritual nudge to build a Supernal Living presence on YouTube. People nowadays are listening more and reading less. I enjoy using my voice. I was a drama major, back in the day, after all. I’ve been told my voice has a pleasant, soothing cadence.

Also, I’ve listened to a variety of meditations on YouTube, my favorites being from Steve Nobel and Lillian Eden. But many others I’ve found lacking….something. Creativity? Power? I’m not sure.

Anyway, the advice for writing a book used to be, “write the book you want to read.” So, I guess, now for me the advice translates to “record the meditations you want to hear.”

So, I have begun. Last evening, I meditated a while and got into the “zone” and then turned on the microphone to see what would come out. I felt healing energy flowing through me as recreated an experience very similar to giving someone a basic energy treatment. It seemed like I was also transmitting healing energy as it went along. Hopefully, listeners will feel it. I know I have been impressed with the energy that comes through the Steve Nobel transmissions. Perhaps, I can tap into some channels that connect through time and space. Now, that would be interesting.

At any rate, I am uploading popular posts from Supernal Living and will explore producing more meditations, picking up a theme I’ve developed on my Facebook page. I’ve posted pictures of rainbows, ocean scenes, and tropical settings of my life on Oahu and called them Aloha Moments. My Facebook friends seem to enjoy them. It feels right to expand Aloha Moments to YouTube.

If you have a half an hour to sit back and relax or perhaps, drift off to sleep, give this first mediation a listen. I hope you find it healing and refreshing.


Dana Taylor


Visionary Journey with Native American Soul

On the Mountain by June O’Brien is a unique mixture of story-telling, poetic imagery, and mysticism.

Set in the wilderness region of the Northwest, we are introduced to Ruby, a visionary medicine woman caught up in her latest calling to a particular area on the mountain. She readies herself for a journey, feeling the strong pull, but not knowing exactly what lies ahead. After a perilous drive, she parks her car and waits. As dawn lights, she recognizes with fear and trepidation, an Old One, a come-to-life mythical Sasquatch creature that persist in global folklore. Though no longer young, Ruby knows she must heed to call wherever the Old Ones take her. Thus, begins a book that defies genre description, though the new “visionary fiction” category probably is the best bet. The author’s personal lineage of medicine women and healers and knowledge of Native American traditions forms a fascinating foundation for the first book in the Blue Child Series.

While this is Ruby’s book, we are also introduced to her sisters, Agnes and Grace, who both have special talents and missions related to their Native American heritage. By the end of On The Mountain, many questions are raised that must be answered in the sequels. Who exactly is this Blue Child? For that matter—who or what exactly is Ruby? What powers on earth and in the stars are working on the planet?

O’Brien’s writing style is fluid and poetic, painting the scenes in the mind like a literary Monet. It’s a beautiful and intriguing book. Definitely out of the ordinary. Take an imaginary trip—On The Mountain.

???????????????????????????????June O’Brien is an award winning author living in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. She is a member of the Nansemond Tribe, has degrees in psychology and counseling, and has published two collections of poetry and two books of fiction: The Blue Child Series: On the Mountain, and The North Road.

She is from a culture in which seeing spirits, visiting with them, and being summoned are not unusual. She knows the spiritual gifts of wild plants, gathers them and makes medicine for the body and for the soul. This knowledge is woven into The Blue Child Series. 


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Visit the Dana Taylor Books and Bio


Power Up With Stones and Crystals

Energy workers love stones and crystals. Sure, they make beautiful jewelry, but the real attraction is…ENERGY!

Science is confirming what healers have long known—there is power in the minerals from the earth. Uranium yields atomic energy; magnets demonstrate positive and negative forces; strike two hunks of flint and start a forest fire.

I’ve always been attracted to rocks. As a child I loved visiting the home of my parents’ friends, Jon and Lois. They were “rock hounds,” climbing into the hills on expeditions searching for interesting stones. I have a memory of sitting in Jon’s garage surrounded by shiny stones he had tumbled in his homemade rock polisher.

As the years passed, the couple amazed me with their vitality. Christmas cards revealed Jon and Lois waving from exotic locations. Now  well into 80’s, they are still dancing on Friday nights at the local Elks Lodge. Where do they get their energy?

One secret is—their rocks! Their house is filled with sparkly geodes, bowls of tiger eye, selenite, agate, and amethyst. Every room is charged with quiet stone sentinels emitting earth energy. My elderly friends lead positive lives in many ways, but the energetic home they’ve created for the last fifty years surely plays a role in their secret to healthy longevity.

While I’m no rock expert, I am increasing incorporating stones into my daily life. Here are a few of my favorites:

thZW0L4OT5Amethyst—these lovely purple crystals are thought to help the mind and aid in overcoming addictions. Last Christmas I purchased a bag of rough chunks through an Amazon dealer. I got the notion to put a couple under my pillow for deeper sleep. It worked! Interestingly, I noticed in the dark that they emit a spark when bumped together, visible proof of their pulsing energy.

th0M8WM1J0Malachitethis is my “calming stone,” green, cool, and smooth. It is known as the “mirror of the soul.” If my mind is racing and I need to settle down for a power nap, I place it on my forehead. Its steady frequency slows down my frantic thoughts and refreshes my whole body.

th[3]Black tourmaline—an increasingly important stone in this age of EMF (electro-magnetic frequency) pollution. It counteracts the tiring bombardment of the EMF emissions from electronic devises. Place a good-sized chunk of black tourmaline in front of your computer for protection. You might be able to feel the difference. I can!

th[3] (2)Rose quartz—Known as the “love stone,” offers peace and joy. I have a favorite piece of rose quartz that I often use during healing sessions. It helps clear emotional turmoil and distress. Sometimes I circle it over a client’s heart chakra and imagine drawing out the pain. Clients report feeling much more at ease after a treatment. Of course, I always cleanse it after the sessions.

Mastering Self-Attunements by Ole Gabrielsen gives instructions on receiving a rose quartz “attunement.” In other words, the frequency of the rock is incorporated into the healer’s auric field. That sounds a bit weird, but, out of curiosity, I followed the instructions. Much to my surprise, the next client I had reported seeing a rose quartz in her mind’s eye during her healing session!

 There’s definitely power in the rocks. Next time you see stones for sale, take a few moments to hold them in your hand and feel the energy pulsing in your palm. If one “calls” to you—take it home. You may be adding a very positive force to your living environment—and a lovely decoration also.

Rock on!

Dana Taylor

Visit Dana Taylor Books and Bio Page

The Gift of Cancer experienced by Anita Moorjani

Reiki has gained national acceptance largely through the endorsement of many hospitals recommending energy treatments for cancer patients. Being infused with healing energy helps counteract the detrimental affects of standard medical treatments. Lately, my therapy table has been all too busy with friends and clients dealing with cancer issues. The good news is  many are moving beyond the shock of a cancer diagnosis to  pro-active holistic steps to improve health through mind, body, and spirit transformation.

I was loaned a copy of DYING TO BE ME by Anita Moorjani this week and I highly recommend it for anyone, not just people dealing with cancer.

Moorjani has been to hell and heaven and back. A four year battle with lymphoma finally led to a coma and near death experience (NDE) on February 2, 2006. However, that was anything but “the end.” In fact it was just the beginning. Moorjani experienced an expansion of consciousness in her comatose state. She connected with doctors, nurses, family, spirits, and the cosmos. She moved beyond linear time. From the spirit world she met her father and best friend who guided her and counseled her to return to the earth plane and bring her body back to life. Her work was not finished.

Moorjani’s healing was as amazing as Eben Alexander’s PROOF OF HEAVEN tale. While both books amaze and encourage, Moorjani’s book carries a much more passionate message about life itself. She had been an average woman, raised in cross-cultures of Hong Kong, molded by the fears and insecurities common in the human experience. Her return from the brink of death not only transformed her body, but her complete understanding of what life is all about. She was told to go back and “live fearlessly.”

Don’t wait to get cancer to embrace her message. Pick up a copy of DYING TO BE ME by Anita Moorjani and be inspired to live life to the fullest.

Hear Anita Moorjani tell her story in this TED Talk