A Time to Love, A Time to Mourn

The Relief from Grief Meditation is also available on my YouTube Channel and Healing Meditations page.

He Visits the Afterlife in His Sleep

Dana Taylor

Visit Mike Marable’s website at https://www.mikemarable.com/


Send Healing Energy to the Departed and Their Loved Ones

Part Three in a Series

by Dana Taylor
A close friend of mine, Thom, lost his long-time partner, Wayne, three months ago. Wayne’s passing was not a really a shock. He was 79 years old and in frail health. As parting experiences go, Thom and Wayne were a more fortunate couple than many. They had spent months in seclusion avoiding Covid-19 in their lovely island home. Over the summer, Wayne had been strong enough to nurture his beloved vegetable garden. Thom posted pictures of Wayne’s impressive heirloom tomatoes for Facebook friends to see. One fateful fall morning, Thom got up early to head downstairs to make their coffee and let Jake, their dog, outside for a while. When he returned to their bedroom, he found Wayne collapsed and unconscious from a stroke.
Wayne, Thom & Jake
For Thom, the day tilted into a surreal jumble of ambulances, medivac helicopters, phone calls to Wayne’s children, doctor updates and a dash to the hospital. By seven o’clock that evening, Thom and the family circled the hospital bed and said goodbye as Wayne took his last breath. In many ways, it was a beautiful passing. A gentle passing. For Thom, it was the beginning of the unavoidable journey through grief.

Power of Prayer Beyond Death

We’re living in an era of death and grieving. As a spiritually aware person and energy healer, I consider praying for the departed and their families an extension of the healing work I do. I firmly believe death is not an end but a transformation from physical to non-physical. It’s a birth. And I’ve been in enough birthing rooms to know it’s not an easy process. Certainly life outside the womb is a big adjustment for a newborn. I suspect there’s a corresponding birthing process to other dimensions that is equally taxing and sometimes traumatic. (See my post Conversations with the Afterlife.)
The classic books by Dr. Michael Newton, Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, give us a glimpse of life-between-lives through hypnosis sessions with his patients. It appears the afterlife is far more complicated than a gentle reunion with loved ones or meeting an angel and dwelling forever in clouds and playing a harp. Our consciousness moves into other dimensions and often requires healing after traumatic passings or difficult lives. Even people who led fairly happy lives go through pangs of separation.
Healing prayers from those of us on the earthly plane aid in the transitional process. Prayers project power and frequency into other dimensions as surely as they do in our familiar three dimensional reality. My Supernal Friend, Sue, has a practice of praying for departed souls for a year after their transition. She asks for divine helpers to aid their adjustment and bring them peace for their grieving process of the life they left behind. Her efforts have been validated in messages from the other side through mediums. My husband, David, once came through unexpectedly to thank her for her prayers. His gratitude surprised us, because they’d shared an uneasy relationship on this side of the veil.

Healing for the Bereaved

Healing energy for people going through the very real wounds of grief is entirely appropriate. Humans truly bond at an energetic level. We create cords of attachment. Death severs those cords as surely as cutting off an arm. The term “broken heart” is literal. Deep grief can trigger a myriad of physical problems. (See article Physical Symptoms of Grief.)
Six months after my husband’s death, the grief hit me. A sadness I couldn’t ignore or simply talk away. I was fortunate to have a network of energy healers to help me through. Reiki treatments and massages from a gifted energy healer helped me rise out of the depths of my despair. David and I were granted one lucid dream encounter to say goodbye. (See Grace Through Grief: Six Months After My Husband’s Passing)
In this age of massive Covid deaths, helping people through grief is crucial. Reaching out to our friends and family with prayers, presents, cards and more is something we should all be doing.
The veil between this life and the next is becoming thinner all the time. Netflix has a new series entitled SURVIVING DEATH that explores the various avenues of afterlife communication. Interviews with mediums, ghost hunters,and reincarnation experts all raise tantalizing questions about life after death. For people suffering the worst throes of grief, it’s comforting to think their loved one still exists at some level. But there is no denying the loss of the physical presence. The departed are sorely missed. (Watch SURVIVING DEATH TRAILER)
Grief hit Thom hard. He lost thirty pounds the first six weeks. His normally ebullient personality couldn’t overcome the sadness. But, he is working through it with the help of a network of friends. The outpouring of flowers, gifts, phone calls and messages helped. Jake, their Australian shepherd, has been a comforting companion and faithful walking partner. Wayne’s grandsons visited to clean the garden and chop wood for the fireplace. Thom knows many people love him and wish him well. He will always miss Wayne, but in a million memories and otherworldly moments of awareness, he knows at some level, Wayne is always with him. He is now making plans for the future.
This era of sadness is also an opportunity for all of us to reach out and do something for someone else. Discover the power of your prayers to help others. By serving each other, we can rise out of our collective grief. Only then will we build a better future for ourselves and generations to come.
Visit the Dana Taylor Books and Bio Page

Signs From the Other Side

Book Review by Dana Taylor

About three weeks after my Dad died, strange things began to happen. The door bell went haywire, going off by itself with mangled noises. Twice, my husband and I heard something crashing in another room and ran to investigate. Nothing. One night we heard a definite knock, knock, knock on the back window. No one there. We began laughing about it. Seemed like Dad was letting us know he was still around. We lived in his house for a couple more years and I felt him guiding me through home repairs. His visits in my life receded after I sold the house.

My husband died in a car accident in 2013, but made his presence known through psychic friends with several messages. He said a final goodbye to me in one early morning visitation that I recalled in the post Grace in Grief: Six Months After My Husband’s Passing.

I’ve learned through personal experience that loved ones continue living in another dimension. Many times they find ways to communicate with people left behind. Psychic medium Laura Lynne Jackson explores various methods of those communications. From the annals of her case histories, she weaves together compelling narratives in her latest book, SIGNS: THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF THE UNIVERSE.

Laura Lynne Jackson

Jackson told her personal story in her first book The Light Between Us. (See my review here.) She comes across as a credible, caring person using her gift to help alleviate pain and confusion of grieving people. Her spot-on readings have made her a popular guest on television shows and workshop panels.

Each chapter in SIGNS relates an individual story of how a crossed over person finds a way to keep in touch. People find coins, receive messages on cell phones, have animal encounters, see rainbows, hear songs on the radio, the list goes on. From the book overview:

There’s the lost child who appears to his mother as a deer that approaches her unhesitatingly at a highway rest stop; the name written on a dollar bill that lets a terrified wife know her husband will be okay; the Elvis Presley song that arrives at the exact moment of Jackson’s own father’s passing.”

The point of the signs is to offer and comfort. They are a way of saying, “I’m still around. I’m fine. I love you.” Sometimes they are a mean, “I’m sorry,” “I forgive you,” or “Move on with your life.” Certainly, a major takeaway from the book is the realization that death is a passage, not a tragedy.

Jackson also refers to everyone’s Team of Light. It isn’t just loved ones leaving signs, but guardian angels and guides. A sign may also be an idea that came from “nowhere” or a dream. I found Chapter 29: Surrender the most compelling. In it Jackson relates the details of daughter’s mysterious illness over a three year period. Ultimately, information and prods from her Team of Light guide her to the right doctors and treatments. It’s certainly a cautionary tale about the vaccine Gardasil.

In this era when so many people are crossing over, SIGNS is a comforting reminder that death is only a transition and love never ends.


Moon madness and a meddling ghost bring together reluctant lovers in this tale of madcap magical realism. DEVIL MOON by Dana Taylor

Conversations from the Afterlife

Book Review by Dana Taylor

Father Nathan Castle, O.P., has unusual dreams. Over the course of the past twenty years, he’s often dreamed of a stranger’s violent, sudden death. Does he awaken in a cold sweat, fear clawing at his throat? By all indications, the answer is no. Father Nathan sits up and captures the dream on a notepad before its memory fades. He knows another Night Visitor has come a-calling.

Father Nathan Castle

Nathan Castle became a Dominican priest in 1979.  He earned his doctoral degree from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA and has spent almost thirty years in campus ministries at both Stanford and Arizona State universities.

He is also a very gifted spirit communicator and has a special ministry to souls who have gotten “stuck” in their afterlife journey.

In AFTERLIFE INTERRUPTED: HELPING STUCK SOULS CROSS OVER, Father Nathan shares thirteen stories from his notes and memories of the over 250 souls who have reached out to him. Over the years, he has developed a routine. He receives a Night Visitor’s dream and later meets with a prayer partner to contact the Visitor and engage in a conversation. Beginning with a prayer of protection from an array of saints, Father Nathan invites the Night Visitor to enter his mind and use his body to communicate about the situation. While the words “channel” and “medium” are mostly avoided in the text due to the occultish baggage associated with them, those are precisely the right words for what transpires. Father Nathan, or his prayer partner, often Laura Dunham, channels the spirit to get to the heart of the matter.  They initiate a counseling session for the dead.

AFTERLIFE INTERRUPTED is not your usual celebrity medium tell-all tale. Father Nathan doesn’t have his own reality show or fill Las Vegas lounges with curiosity seekers hoping to get a message from their departed Aunt Fanny. Instead, we hear a man of with deep and life-long Catholic Christian faith giving us a glimpse of his multidimensional world. Souls are brought to Father Nathan by their celestial guides when they are ready to move from a “stuck” place, to a higher level in the Afterlife.

Each chapter begins with the dream, a sudden unexpected death. A teenager drives his car off a bridge, drowning himself and three friends; a girl sneaks to the beach on the fateful day of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami; a young mother and her friend perish in a plane crash; a freak explosion maims and kills a young husband. And so the stories go. All of these people reject afterlife guides who come to escort them to the other side at the moment of death. They become stuck in a great Nowhere. Sometimes they are trapped in a recurring loop of the event.

By the time they enter Father Nathan’s dreams, they are ready to move on, but do not know how. Often the hindrance is lingering anger or guilt over their manner of death. Father Nathan or the prayer partner offers the Visitor another point of view. They facilitate release from negative emotions that snare souls in the Nowhere. From there, they ask a guide to come for them and take them to the Afterlife. The guide is often a friend or relative, but not necessarily. The most intriguing guide mentioned was President Dwight Eisenhower who showed up for a young man named after him.

This book gives tantalizing glimpses of a whole Afterlife society. After writing up the chosen stories, Father Nathan revisits each participant to get their permission to publish their stories. Therein lies the most fascinating sections of the book. Laura Dunham will ask, “How is your life going? What have you been doing since we last spoke?” Everyone is living and growing in their new realms.

I highly recommend purchasing the Audible version to actually hear Father Nathan, Laura Denham, and the other prayer partners performing the narration. What you will find is an insightful, authentic presentation of a multidimensional world. Humans live in this physical world and they continue living in a non-physical world. Communication between the dimensions is getting increasingly common.

What makes this book rise above the other mediumship books is the man himself, Father Nathan Castle. His foundation of faith and a life devoted to ministry is inspiring and encouraging in this chaotic world. Thank you, Father Nathan for sharing your gift with us.

Visit Father Nathan’s website: Nathan Castle.com

Bright Blessings,

Dana Taylor


Visit the Dana Taylor Books and Bio Page