Healing Devices Offer New Hope

Transcend Cancer

by Dana Taylor

Cancer. Such a frightening word. It conjures up dreadful images of weakened, ravaged friends and relatives. Bald children from St. Jude’s Children Hospital commercials. People who thought they had it licked, only to discover a lurking inoperable tumor.

After an initial cancer diagnosis, there is talk of “killing it,” “curing it,” “fighting it.” Some people simply give up and yield to it.

As a healer and Reiki practitioner, I’ve been on the front lines with cancer patients. Interestingly, thinking back, most of them are still alive. Cancer was part of their journey. They have dealt with it and moved on. It may return, but, for now, those people are living busy lives.

Lately, I find myself engaged with some new people dealing with cancer. As I’ve been praying and listening for guidance, a recurring Word has come to me ~~ Transcend.

In my world of vibrational and energy healing, illness and disease are mainly about frequencies and energy blockages. Cancer is a frequency zone. Damaged, sick cells reproduce and overtake healthy cells. As a Reiki energy healer, I help people raise their vibration and transcend the cancer zone through Reiki treatments.

I encourage people to become pro-active and holistic in their approach to becoming healthier. Following a medical protocol is only one aspect of sailing out of the doldrums of cancer. If you’re dealing with cancer, here are some ideas to consider as you adjust to your new health status.

Move Out of the Cancer Zone

Fun over Fear ~

The Law of Attraction teaches that whatever we concentrate on increases in our lives. Consequently, the more a person is engulfed by fear of cancer and all its ramifications, the more cancer is encouraged to grow. Frankly, thinking about cancer all the time is boring. It’s a real downer.

Don’t let cancer define you.

It takes mental discipline to distract your mind from a constant drumbeat of cancer, but it can be done. Find ideas and activities that are uplifting and engaging. Affirmations, meditations, good music, good times, whatever raises your mood is part of transcending cancer.

Fabulous Food ~

Food has become source of fear with cancer. Blaming the hot dogs, GMO’s, and chemicals prevalent in our food can make us choke on every bite. Some people become obsessed with eating organic for fear of ingesting carcinogens. While I think diet and polluted water probably is linked to the rise in cancer rates, it isn’t healing to excessively worry about it.

Make good food choices–primarily live, fresh food. Understand food from an energetic standpoint. It isn’t simply calories, it can be an infusion of energy. I’m a big fan of smoothies. By liquefying fresh fruits and vegetables, you are ingesting live enzymes and whole food nutrition. Adding a blessing of grateful intention augments the natural energy of the food. The lessons from Dr. Emoto’s Hidden Messages in Water illustrate how molecules can be transformed by healing intention.  

Power up your food and water with healing energy through prayer and also choose from an array of water bottles now available for energizing drinking water.

Forgive and Forget About It

Cancer is often a metaphor for unforgiveness and guilt. Is there something that really “eats you up”? Is there an issue you need to “get off your chest?” Are events in your life “a real pain in the butt?” Life has a way of dishing up betrayal, abuse, neglect, and regret. Simply ignoring or burying negative emotions pulls you down into the Cancer Zone. Living in an unhealthy emotional zone can manifest into sick, unhealthy cells.  Cancer can be sending you a message.

Anita Moorjani’s autobiography, Dying To Be Me, eloquently describes the emotional connections to disease. The cancer journey can be very liberating of old patterns and grudges. Exploring the emotional trail that may have led to illness can actually be part of the Road to Healing.

Vibrational Healing ~

After my mother died from her long cancer experience in 1988, I determined to seek a different path of living. I prayed for guidance. My intuition led me to the blossoming field of alternative medicine. Chinese medicine, Eastern philosophies, homeopathy, flower remedies, essential oils, quantum physics, energy healing–it’s been quite an education. Ultimately, all these things come down to energy. What’s one of the first signs of illness? Fatigue. We sense our energy is being lowered by an invasion or imbalance of some kind.Vibrational healing focuses on raising the vibrational frequency at the cellular level. It can be approached in many ways.

For instance, my enthusiasm for essential oils is primarily derived from the understanding that they are extremely high energetically. Yes, they have components that kill germs, but it’s the infusion of energy from essential oils that is, in my opinion, their greatest healing property. The following chart compares the energetic measurement in various foods to essential oils. Working essentials oils into your daily routine is a fast and easy way to lift your frequency.


Processed Foods 0 Hz


Fresh Produce up to 15 Hz


Dry Herbs 20-22 Hz


Fresh herbs 20-27 Hz


Essential Oils 52-320 Hz

Eastern cultures have long recognized our energetic source. India calls it Prana. Chinese speak of the Chi. “Reiki” is a Japanese word for God’s Light or God’s Energy. Many healing modalities have an energetic foundation.The best known may be acupuncture which focuses on energetic pathways, called meridians, of the body. Keeping the meridians flowing freely promotes good health.

Modern science is meeting ancient modalities to produce exciting frequency raising machines and products. VibesUp is an intriguing company using the power of crystal earth energy in a wide array of items. Vibrational medicine machines such as Trinfinity8 are utilizing energy frequencies for healing. Truly, it’s the new frontier of medicine. How wonderful it would be to see the end of toxic drugs and radiation for cancer treatment.

At any rate, thinking energetically about wellness is a paradigm shift. Begin noticing if something raises you up, or drags you down.

  • Live food vs. processed food. The life in uncooked food raises your energetic level. Processed food extracts extra energy to digest.
  • Meditation, classical music, and nature walks don’t simply raise your spirits, they raise your frequency.
  • Avoid toxic people, places and things that bring you down. The energy loss has a significant physical impact.

Embrace Living ~

Finally, realize that every day you wake up you are LIVING. Despite a negative diagnosis, as long as you are breathing and getting around town, celebrate Life. There may be a day when you slip into a true “dying” mode and that can be beautiful also. Don’t rush it. 

Write up that Bucket List and start checking things off. Set some goals and work towards them. Spend time with people you love and enjoy.


I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence my help cometh. Psalm 121 KJV

Bright Blessings,

Dana Taylor


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