New Channeled Messages From Tina Louise Spalding

I first became aware of trance channel Tina Louise Spalding a few years ago when I read her thought provoking, controversial book, Jesus, My Autobiography (see my review here). At the time she had a small YouTube following, which has now blossomed to 23,000 plus. Trance channels are ubiquitous on YouTube.  All channeling entities must utilize the vocabulary and mental capacity of their hosts. From my observation, the ego and personality of the host can muddy the material. One of things I like about Tina is her apparent lack of ego. Her years of studying A Course in Miracles has freed her from the fear of rejection or the need for approval where most people dwell.

Tina is focusing on fulfilling her life purpose as a trance channel. She gets out of the way and allows the material to come through. She isn’t caught up in branding herself or being anyone’s guru. While she has channeled a group entity (Ananda), some celebrities, she’s mostly channeling Jesus nowadays. In January of 2019 she began a daily reading of the lessons of A Course in Miracles, which was followed by short commentaries from Jesus. Her daily discipline of recording and posting despite personal distractions and obligations is admirable. Surely she had some “gimme a break, Jesus” days. But she carried on and the material is now a full, viable companion to A Course in Miracles entitled A Year of Forgiveness, available as a Kindle e-book. A hardback paperback is expected in October. The original YouTube videos are still available.

Jesus gave her a few months off, but now He is back with two daily commentaries in a series which began on September 7, 2020. Spalding has committed to recording morning and evening messages from Jesus for 40 Days and 40 Nights. The intent behind the messages is helping humanity adjust to current events and upheavals of The Shift. 2020 is certainly a year of great change. Life will be forever altered for everyone at some level. Many of the spiritual community speak of the Awakening and moving from a 3-D existence to a 5-D world ala Kryon, Steve Nobel and others. The Jesus coming through Spalding paints an awareness that people are fearful and confused. Some may hang on to their sense of loss, whether it be a job, loved ones, or homes, and never get past the pain. This Jesus points out the mental programming that has influenced thinking from parents, school, governments, and media. It’s time to develop critical thinking.

40 Days and 40 Nights promises to be thought-provoking with possibly more than a few Aha! moments. The Jesus message of forgiveness, hope and love comes shining through.

If you’re looking for a fresh Supernal Adventure, explore the messages coming through Tina Louise Spalding.

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